
My right leg always hurts after I workout by running/walking or after I work all day hence I'm standing on my?

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feet bc I am a cashier. What is it called when it is right behind your knee located just above your calf. This is DIRECTLY behind my knee. What could be wrong???? And what muscle or body part is this called???




  1. hello kelli, my names troy, it sounds like your hamstring-bicep. there are three muscles on the back of your leg and this one fits the description. maybe its from over stretching or not stretching your muscles. its really easy to hurt muscles when there cold. try stretching them before and after you exercise. you just need to keep them little muscles warm and stretched k. even try just rubbing them. cya kelli


  2. go see a doctor

  3. what could be wrong is you're a cashier standing all day in a .... well let's just leave it at that... maybe you want to aspire for more. and don't ask Y!A for health advise

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