
My rights?? what are my consumer rights

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i have a HP printer out of warranty but because of a faulty HP toner it has leek ed and damaged my printer and HP want £500 to re pare do i have to pay this and what rights do i have thank you




  1. HP's problem would be that the defective toner cartridge ruined your equipment. It is just a coincidence that the equipment was an HP printer. You have to prove the toner was defective and that you didn't break it, and that it caused the damage to your property, and that the damage is indeed permanent -- you cannot clean it up. An uphill battle, I'd say, so if HP won't help you with the problem when you speak/write to them nicely, I'd just forget about legal options.

  2. HP printers are horrible.  I had a problem with mine and eventually had correspondence with the board of directors.  They basically admitted they were at fault though didn't know how to fix it and too bad.  I hope you have better luck.  It would be great if you would just sue them in small claims court.  That's inexpensive in the US though I don't know about Europe.  You can make complaints with organizaions that monitor businesses.  We have the Better Business Bureau and other agencies/groups.  Keep writing HP and go up the latter for a few reasons.  The most important are that you will have a better chance of getting to someone that actually has authority to help you and if you ever take action you have correspondence with and can name the high up people if you choose to do anything legal against them.  You may not win though you can make them take a full day off of work and travel to where you make your claim.  They'll loose so much money and time doing this they'll probably settle and get you a new printer.  I don't suggest this to anyone except people that are honestly getting screwed.  People that do this frivilously are horrible and a major problem with our American system though if there is a legitimate problem that cost you money go after them.

  3. You could likely sue HP for damages caused by their defective toner cartridge ( as long as IT'S not past warranty).

    Damage to the printer would be within the range of damages HP could be presumed to know would occur.

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