
My roadmap for the United States?

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I propose that the European experiment commonly known as the United States of America now be abolished. It has been a failure inasmuch as Dr Frankenstein's magna opera was too. I propose that the 13 rebel colonies be brought back under the Crown of Britain and administered by Canada. The states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada be returned to Mexico or be brought under direct admininstration of Spain. Louisiana should be handed over to Quebec regional administration, Florida should be annexed to Cuba and the rest of the Mid-West and North-Eastern states be given back to the native Americans.

Any suggestions? Do you think McCain or Obama would listen?




  1. Wow, I thought you just had the one anti-American question, but here I am surprised again. Not only is this question equally ridiculous and pointless - bred from too much time on the Internet, I suppose - but antagonistic as well. If you continue looking for a fight, then you're going to find one. I'm not going to be the one to do it as I can't be asked, but someone somewhere will.

    As for your question; Yes. Return America to its original state. I'd be happy to be taken back under the wing of the Commonwealth. Is that what you're proposing? Or rather, some sort of genocide perhaps? These are the same sort of ideas had by people who end up being called 'Monsters' (Hitler, Pol Pot, Milosevic, George W. Bush, etc) Sure, genocide has certainly happened on American soil before, but it's not really worth crying over spilled milk, now is it?

    I'd suggest you get some better ideas of American society from somewhere other than the World Wide Web. It's really not the best litmus test for ANYTHING.  Kinda a waste of everyone's time. Oh, whoops- I just wasted my own.

  2. That's a heavy load for Carl to carry, rocks in his head and a bug up his ***. He needn't worry though we have enough idiots in the UK without taking on a few million more.

    Please say you will take it all back when you leave Relic.

  3. Dear Sir,

    Would you really want to lose all our luscious cuisine that we have imparted on the world?

    Throw out the Big Mac, The Whopper, and go back to Jellied Eels and Burrito's?

    Get rid of all the multicolored Fords, Dodges, and Chevys going around in a banked circle at a high rate of speed?

    Remove Brittany Spear's illustrious career like it never happened?

    Lose Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Jerry Springer, including all the guidance they provide to the ever growing tattooed masses?

    Forsake Rap and Hiphop music, culture, and all the social benefits of it?

    Forever banish the Eternal Church of the Almighty Dollar?

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Oh please Emjay, say it ain't so...

    Where would I go? What would I do?

  4. Wow you pay much closer to the US polotics than I do.

  5. Lol...Even if you convinced him,  I don't think McCain is going to live long enough to see any kind of results in his lifetime...

    They're currently quite preoccupied "liberating" the people of Iraq right now, so...

    I think they're too busy making messes in other countries to take time to clean up their own.  

    Funny how a nation with such a history would take it upon themselves to be the self proclaimed “global police” and ensure by killing more people that they stop other nations from making the very same horrendous mistakes that they did.

    Besides, you are more likely to expect to be struck by lightening twice in a week then to imagine that all the people in the above mentioned states that are to be annexed to Spain would ever submit to learning/speaking Spanish.  They would rather starve - and go without healthcare... or at least that's the standard they place on all the unfortunate Mexicans that do not know English. I can see it now… imagine hundreds of Americans crossing deserts, or squeezing into inhumanaly overloaded tractor trailers... trying to escape to a better life.  Ahh, nevermind. Never.  Americans would sell their souls for a Twinkie or a piece of fried chicken.  Crossing borders is too risky.  It might cause someone to be uncomfortable.

    How can you be sure that England even wants them back?

    Ahh well!  I digress!

    As for Carl W... no one said a blooming thing about a genocide!! And why do you have quotation marks around the word MONSTERS?  " 'Monsters' - Hitler, Pol Pot, Milosevic, George W. Bush, etc "   As if you disagree with that label?  And my stomach absolutely turns over as you relate the blood of those cruelly murdered in such an unjust fashion to "spilled milk"?  What is wrong with you man?!?

  6. That sounds a bit complicated. I think we should simply blockade them and proclaim that the American colonies are to return to their original status; that of a semi-penal colony where we can send all those people whom we do not want in our own countries. The Americans fail to remember that their Pilgrim Fathers only went to America because nobody, even the Puritanical Dutch, wanted them in Europe. They were followed by successive waves of people from all over the world who were thrown out of their countries. It actually explains quite a lot about them, when you remember that.

  7. Yes, seeing as though some Americans can't contain their excitement about whites being kicked out of Africa, and Africa returning to Africans I think we should return the favour.

    (The "funny" thing is, in the case of Southern Africa in most cases it's not even the indigenous population that is benefiting - but this fact is too much for our mentally slower cousins to appreciate.)

    I can't remember who posted this link originally (perhaps yourself) but it's d**n funny:

    Yes, North America must be returned to the indigenous population who can administer it themselves (they couldn't do a worse job than the present bunch!).

    The jury is still out on Canada though, they seem to keep their noses clean.

    xx add xx

    Carl W

    "taken back under the wing of the Commonwealth" - is that honestly what you think happens?! You guys are more clueless than most imagined!

    If only the White African Zimbabweans and South Africans were forwarded that, we're pretty much left to fend for ourselves, and that is what should happen to you as well!

  8. I am vaguely behind you on the abolition of the US. And I agree it has been one h**l of a flop of an experiment.

    I have to voice my concerns over turning the original 13 colonies over to Canada to administer. Not that we couldn’t you understand but they do not serve Rooibos at their tea parties.  How gauche!

    And they have this love of their damned 2nd Amendment and bearing arms blah blah blah– it definitely has to go! It will not be tolerated by any Canadian Administrator, regardless of party affiliations. And, sad to say, at this precise moment, we are saddled with a P.M. who can’t run this country very well and who would go stark raving mad if his work load were increased. Perhaps leave that until the next non-confidence vote at least.

    I also have to agree that speaking Spanish will go over like a lead balloon in the 5 southern states you have mentioned. This would be inviting something akin to Canada’s own FLQ and the resulting War Measures Act. Perhaps that one should go back to the drawing board.

    Louisiana – what they speak has very little in common with either French or English any more besides, it - Louisiana, will probably get washed away with the next hurricane and they have not yet cleaned up totally from the last and Quebec does not need to be saddled with that mess. The rest looks pretty good though.

    You will have to get used to the American’s who wander in here. They really do think the world is made up of one main omni powerful country – the U.S. so it is an entirely new concept to them that some disagree with them. And, while their sense of humour extends to making fun of all the rest of us, they have a very short fuse when humour (spelled with a U) is turned on them.

    Awaiting with anticipation your amended proposal.


    Karen C

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