
My role in protecting enviroment?

by Guest57815  |  earlier

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My role in protecting enviroment?




  1. The biggest thing you can do is to do your part.  recycling is one of the easiest and best ways to help.  

  2. your role or mine? I recycle, drive a car that runs on bio diesel, i compost, wash my clothes in cold water, hang my clothes to dry rather than putting them in a dryer, shop at local farmers markets, try to bike as much as possible instead of driving or use public transit, shop at small businesses rather than big box stores, etc.

  3. There are tons of small things you can do to slow down global warming:

    Recycling- plastics, papers, etc, whether it is actually putting them in a recycling bin or it could be re-using water bottles.

    Try to carpool or run all your errands on one trip- that way you can economize gas, which will be better for your pocket (or your parent's) and the environment.

    Don't be wasteful- don't take more than you need of anything, whether it be food, napkins, etc. The more you use, the more needs to be made that will need to be transported. Don't deprive yourself but don't overuse either.

    Don't litter- it could end up getting into the water stream or hurting small animals that may prey on it.


  4. plant as many trees as you can-

  5. No matter what you do - it won't make much of a difference.  There will still be global warming because it is natural.

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