
My room is a disaster, how should I go about getting it done? And fast.

by  |  earlier

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Who bedroom is very messy, like -- unable to walk in, how should I go about cleaning it fast and efficiently? WIthout being bored out of my mind.




  1. put on some music and dance while you're cleaning your bedroom.. you will never get bored... good luck..

  2. Step 1- play all your fave songs,

    Step 2- make an place to walk,

    Step 3- go get as many bins as possible,  or make piles

    Step 4- Label the bins(laundry, trash, doesn't belong, keep in room, etc.)

    Step 5- stand in the middle of your room

    Step 6 -bend down

    Step 7-take stuff around you and play a game of basketball and shoot it in the bins,

    Step 8- clear every thing off you desk, shelves, bed, etc in bins or piles

    Step 9-bring laundry to washing machine, trash to garbage, and sort out "doesn't belong."

    Step 10-  dust, make bed, wash, vac, etc

    Step 11- now you sort out your "keep in room pile"

    Your room should look better now and decorate it. Make it have a theme, well Good luck.

    Hope i helped!! =D

    Oh and maybe this website will help you-

  3. I can relate on so many levels. Things got so bad that I joined a site called FLY lady. These are housewives who tell you their cleaning strategies. The most important lesson was don't try to clean everything in one go (your room did not get that way in one afternoon). Divide your room into sections i.e - desk; bed; closet; under the bed; chair - you get the drift...

    Then, get 3 boxes label them "to keep", "to bin"  and "to donate". Set your timer for say 15 minutes, and to your favourite music, start throwing things into the boxes, starting from the door and going clockwise. As soon as the time is up, immediately take the stuff in "to bin" to the bin.

    Another lesson is to find "hot spots" in your room, i.e. where stuff piles up. Mine are a chair and the base of my bed. You make sure that before you go to bed, you clear your "hot spots" so you don't wake up to see stuff piled around which is the worst way to start your day!

    I recommend you look at the site I've recommended - I know when you read it all sounds rather cheesy, but you are clever enough to recognise you need help, so I assume you will take the good bits out of their advice!

    Happy cleaning!

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