
My room is cold at night and bed feels cold and moist. Days are fine? Why? Any remedy?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved into a beautiful rented room that has huge window towards a big backyard lawn. Sunshine is great during the day. As soon as it turns evening. Everything starts freezing. Its an old house and has high ceiling if it may help.





  1. As the evening air cools, the moisture in the air condenses, and can make things like beds cold and clammy.  During the heat of the day the air dries out (the molecules of water separate more with heat). In old drafty houses this can be felt, as you are feeling it.  The room would need to be insulated, all cracks and windows sealed (for the window, I mean sealed around the edges, not sealed up completely). You could try a dehumidefier (spell check not working for me!) and see if that helps. Air conditioning will dry out the air too.  Good luck!

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