
My room is evil!!! what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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last night i stood up and started walking around my room to charge my phone.... AS SOON AS I stood up I felt a pain in my leg, like I was stabbed with a needle!!! and my leg started bleading alot!!! freaky ahhh!!! things like this HAVE happened in my house before. When my brother was 6 he saw something comming out of his closet, when he was already in bed. When my sister was 11 she saw something kneeled down in her room, when she was already in bed. When I was 14 I was in bed, the lights were turned off any my TV turned itself on, and now this!!!

what should i do?




  1. Set up a videotape and see what it gets go in your room and walk around see if anything "JUMPS" out at you and tries to "STAB " You again

    Or have you considered your legs might of jabbed itself into something ?

    You should try talking to your mom or looking up your houses history on the computer

  2. hmm either move

    call a preist

    get your house clansed

    or stop being such a p***y

  3. Watchers, inoffensive ghosts that keep eye on you but do nothing to bother you, some people think they look after your safety, anyway you need to call your religious leader and have your room blessed.

  4. take your meds and get a dog to sleep with you in the room (dont be perverted)

  5. uum well i can relate kinda, becasue when im sleeping or on the cumputer sometimes drawers and stuff open randomly.

    but anyways there are two types of paranormal activity. one hurts you, and one doesnt. the one that doeswnt hurt you is OK to live with, if you dont mind it. The second one is abusive paranormal activity. this one is when objects come flying at you, you feel you have just gotten stabbed, your legs are pulled etc. etc. this one is VERY UNSAFE, and you should get rid oF it ASAP. Try moving into another room, or "bless" the room if that doesnt work. you can do this yourself, but i suggest you get a priest to do the blessing(talk to your local pastor about this)

    blessings can do one of 2 things. they can eliminate the paranormal activity, or they can make it worse. if it becomes worse, the spirit haunting you is trully "evil" and you must leave right away. if the activity stoped, that means it was probably just some confused spirit who had trouble finding the light and the priest was able to help him or her find it.

  6. Do a cleansing spell to rid the room/house or negative energies. I can help you with this if you want more info.

  7. ZOMFG get out of the house!    maybe go talk to the church are like phone one of those tv shows that investigates paranormal things like this.....     wish you the best

  8. Call a priest. . . Pray. . . Dont watch scary movies. . . I dunno

  9. call the ghostbusters

  10. It seams you have a nasty ghost.  In all honesty, get some holy water, and use it.  And say St. Michael's prayer every night.

    Prayer to St. Michael:

    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle.

    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the

    devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power of God, thrust into h**l Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen

    This prayer works.

  11. I don't feel that you have any evil spirits in your room.

    But, if you feel you do, then I would suggest smudging the room.  This will clean the room of activity.

  12. Your room is not evil. There may be unexplained events happening there, but its not the room, it is what is in the room. I do not know what your belief is, but there is a rule in nature that good and evil can not co-exist in the same space. If you ask for help from a higher being, like an angel or god, and concentrate on asking them to come to your room, or better yet visualize them being and  taking up residence in your room. Do not be afraid, the entily is more scared of you then you are of it. What ever your belief or religion, find somehting you know to be holy and keep it in your room. like a holy book, or something with used with good energy

  13. Go to the church and talk to a priest about either getting your house blessed or removing the poltergeist, because it sounds like you have one in your house. Until then when things happen don't be scared, just turn back on the light and turn off your T.V, you need to let it know that you are in charge and they can't scare you off, Poltergeist's are like the bully's of the spirit world whom feel better about where they are by being mean to the living, they are upset and bitter spirits that hate the living because they are dead, hopefully the sooner you tell the priest the sooner this ghost will be gone good luck !

  14. Check your mattress and springs. There could be a broken spring sticking out of it...Or....there might be a pin or needle or nail in it.  If you assume it's a ghost and it's really a needle or something..then you'll keep getting stuck and you could get an infection. If it's a might need a tetanus shot.(All these years..I thought it was spelled "tetnus". lol. Thank goodness for Spell check!)


  16. I suppose you have a few ghosts on your hands! Try reaching out to the spirts, tell them how you feel and ask them nicely to stop. Don't call my crazy, think what you want but, it probably will work. I'm and actress and singer not a ghost can you do me a favor? Ask another question about how to reach out to spirts. Maybe someone that died houndreds of years ago is back to haunt. Maybe your room has something that they left on earth. Try going down to the bottom floor in your house and burry a old arilome you think was "left there" if you know what I mean. Then, they'll leave all of you alone. I swear and promise that no one in the world will ever die again forever! My family and friends and everyone else in the world and aliens will live forever!!!!!!!

  17. clean it up!  Ghosts hate things orderly

  18. get some holy water, and old priest and a young priest. The power of Christ compels you!

  19. You felt a stabbing and then started bleeding?  Have you considered the possibility that you might just have been stabbed by something?  It boggles my mind that you would consider this to be in any way paranormal in nature.  This is in no way related to the other anecdotes you have related.  What is making you reject reality so earnestly?

    Your 6 year old brother, like many (most?) children, was scared of the dark.  When you're scared of something, like monsters in the closet, you may just think you see what it is you're afraid of.  This is especially the case when you confuse dreams with reality.  Your sister was in bed, probably half asleep, when she saw the kneeling thing.

  20. youre house is probably haunted. have you told your parents whats been happening? you need to convince them to move right away. normally, ghosts dont follow people around. they stay in one place. if you move away, theres very little chance that these things will keep happening to you. try to find out the history about the house. has anybody died there? any disasters that happened near by? normally ghosts stay in the places that they die, and dont move much farther than that. you can also try calling a priest and getting an exorcism [i dont know if thats what you call it for a house haha] on the house. i cant guarentee that it will work, but it may.

  21. Well, do a protection spell. Don't call ghostbusters, don't call TAPS don't call paranormal state they won't do a thing to help you.  well, they might, idk.  i had a friend who called them and they went to his house

    bu it sounds like a demon brood is living in your house

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