
My room is the most bland room ever. Im not aloud to paint because were renting. Any decor advice?

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my room doesnt represent me.AT ALL! all the walls are white. i have some 17 magazine pics and stuff up there but thats all on one wall and it still isnt enough. I need some decor designs if you guys have any. Thanks !




  1. There's a lot of options!  You could put a tapestry on your wall.  Bed Bath and Beyond or Target have great options.  Target has this great line... Sami Hayek I think it's called? ... and everything matches and is relatively inexpensive.  You can put cool lamps up and other accents like that, too.

  2. I hang rope lights on my ceiling, and i have some mirrors i decorated on my walls along with some posters

  3. Get a drapery rod and nice pieces of hardware for it to rest on, a nice long one.  Now you need fabric, maybe a pretty flat sheet or a large piece of plain canvas.  You might want to wash it first if you'll be there long enough to want to wash it later.  (Some fabric shrinks.)  Measure the height of the rod to the floor and add 6" (3" for a seam at either side.  Depending on how wide the fabrice is, you will probably want 2 to 3 lengths.  These will be sewn together.  What you are going to do is make a wall-sized cloth "bulletin board."   Be sure you measure and cut the fabric so the long way on the bolt goes up and down (it doesn't stretch as much and will prevent sagging).

    Choose a color you like and take pins along to see if pinning a piece of paper to the fabric puts too much weight or stress on it.

    It sounds like the walls are your main concern.  You might want to add accents, like matching pillow cases, pillows, window shade, covered box, storage bag(s).

  4. An easy way to decorate wall space without having to use nails or anything that will penetrate the walls is to go to a fabric shop and get a fabric, or fabrics of your choice. Look in their remnants bin first.  They usually have some great inexpensive pieces in there.  Then get a heavy piece of cardboard....any size you want or need...and cover it with the fabric. Make sure you cut the fabric about 2" bigger than the piece of cardboard so you can wrap the edges to the back of the cardboard, glue or tape the edges. This is light in weight and can be hung on the walls with even poster putty, therefore not leaving anything to mess up the walls with. It really will dress up the walls too!  

  5. My daughter was in the same predicament when we moved into our apartment.  She had picked out a cute comforter from Wal Mart.  It had squares of all sizes in purple, lime, and turquoise colors.  We were looking in a JCPenney magazine one day and got lucky.  They had square wall decals that do not hurt a painted wall.  They just happened to be in the same colors as her comforter.  They also had circle decals in pink tones.  She did not need the bed skirt that came with her comforter set so we made picture frames out of cardboard and covered them with that material,  and decorated them with same color jewels bought in the crafts department at Wal Mart, and she also bought wooden letters spelling out her name, painted them bright purple, lime, and turquoise, and also framed them in a homemade cardboard frame covered with the material from the bed skirt that matched the comforter.  We bought a few bright colored, purple, lime, and turquoise, and threw them on the bed.  It really looks cute.  And it was inexpensive and we didn't have the mess of painting.  

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