
My roomate is allergic to my Kittens I had to give them away?

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we had the kittens for four weeks and I became attached to them and so did he . but he can barley breath now around them , at first he was taking Zyrtec and it worked but by th e end of the fourth week he can't breath and is hating being in the apartment. Help! they have only been gone a few hours, I do have a chance to get them back but only if I can find someway to get rid of the allergies.




  1. I'm sorry but on a personnel note and a lover of cats,my room mate would have gone not my kittens.he can go to the chemist for something to treat his allergy,who knows who those poor helpless kittens are going to end up with now,probably someone who wont care for them like you did.

  2. I had a roommate who was highly allergic to cats and 3 cats.  She started w/ Zyrtec but when that didn't work went back to her dr. for a different allergy medicine.  But she knew I'd move out rather than give up my cats.  I'd give up on the love of life if he was allergic to cats and wanted me to get rid of mine.  There are allergy specialists out there.  People can take pills, inhalers or shots.  I live in Texas where cedar fever is a serious problem but do people cut down all trees or refuse to go outside?  No, they seek help.  And if really need to deallergize your apt. (and this is what Cleveland Amory did as can be read in "The Cat and the Curmudgeon") get a HEPA filter, vacuum like crazy and what can't be vacuumed move out, and finally comb and brush kittens well, bathe twice and rinse well, towel dry then use a solution of one part fabric softener and four parts water saturating totally- work into coat and do not rinse off!  Worked for him w/ his cat Polar Bear.  Or keep them locked in bedroom, not fun.  But get your kittens back!  Would your roommate get rid of something he loved b/c you were allergic or would he expect you to try every single remedy out there first?

  3. I am allergic to cats too best thing to do is give them away your friend is going threw h**l believe me I know.

  4. get another room mate!

  5. Get them back right away and get rid of the roomate.

  6. You got rid of 4 kittens and ended up with one p***y.

    Raw deal if you ask me.

  7. Your roommate could go to the doctors and he would probably add a nose spray with the medication.  My son takes Zyrtec and Nasonex and is also allergic.  Our cat is an outside cat but when he holds him or plays with him it does not bother him on the Zyrtec and Nasonex nose spray.   We even let him in from time to time and he is still ok.  Or you could confine the kittens to a couple of rooms and it is espicially important to keep the kittens out of your roomate's bedroom.  

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