
My roommate got in an accident in my car.?

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He is not listed as a driveron my insurance. Will I be pentalized extra for it?




  1. yes

  2. You should not be 'penalized extra' for letting someone use your car. However, you will have to pay the deductible and higher rates if the accident was their fault. Watch judge Judy sometime.

  3. ask your insurance manager

  4. The accident will cause your insurance to go up.

  5. MAny policies will cover the driver as they cover a over 25 etc.  A driver has to be listed as a part time driver of the vehicle if they have access and permission to use the vehicle and probably will every month.  

    Most policies do cover a one time type usage driver.

    Unless your policy is restricted to you only as a driver then you should have little problem but do expect a rise in premium next year.

  6. Not normally and he's pretty much got permissive use due to the keys and the vehicle being available to him.

  7. Take to your insurance agent, they may not cover him which would make you accountable for any bills.

  8. i had a friend that got in an accident with my car.  Bottom line unfortunately is, if its your car, it falls under your insurance.  You pay the deductible and repairs unless your friend is nice enough to cough up the dough.

  9. Haha I dont know but it would suck to be you right now....

    hahaha.... that is soooo mean... just delete this answer...


  10. In most (not all) US states, anyone who has permission to drive an insured car and has a valid license will be covered under the cars insurance.  Understand that in the USA, cars are insured not drivers.  You may be covered...!   (less any deductible(s) you may have)

  11. You would have to look at your states driving laws. I believe if you give them permission to drive your car your insurance is suppose to cover it, and if it was your roommates fault then your insurance rates will most likely go up. Your roommates license would get points on his/her license though.

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