
My roommate is likes to sleep in during day and has trouble communicating?

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my roommate likes to stay out at night and sleep in late during the day. i am a day person, and when there are issues to discuss, can't find the roomie to communicate those issues with. when i try to discuss the issue with the roomie during the day, the roomie becomes upset and agitated for being inconsiderate of roomie's lifestyle. i need suggestions please.




  1. Leave the roommate a polite note, explaining why you need to speak and asks the roommate to let you know some possible times.  I understand your dilemma but please understand that your roommate has every right to set his/her own sleeping schedule.  How would you feel if your roommate tries to discuss something with you when you want to sleep?

  2. post-it's

  3. hehe, thats some situtation....just e-mail your room mate and discuss it like that.

  4. ah. The clasic nocturnal roomie. Thats the best. No clue who took the last egg. Who stole the pb. Or who burnt out the light bulb. My old rookies use to leave me stikie notes all over my bed. Leaving "notepad" open on the computer. Or txt me messages.

  5. There is a time in between when both of you should be awake, like 9-10 PM. Talk to him/her then. it is a good time for a meal after dinner to;)

  6. dont really understand what the problem is. but if you cant find a good roomate to talk to then go to a counsler or something. they listen but dont judge like friends often do.

  7. Have you tried the early evening, or sliding notes under the door or something like that?  There are ways to compromise, but she/he has to be willing to do it, too.

  8. Roomie sounds like me, except I was kind of a pushover when my roommate set a weekday "bedtime" for me.  

    What kind of issues do you have with her?  It seems like there is going to be some overlap with your schedules at some time.  If not,  I would go with the note thing, and even if you don't have time to discuss it, you could ask her if she read the note and is ok with/understands what you want.

    The other thing is, you can't expect her to change her schedule for yours.  There are certain things you just have to put up with or try to fix for yourself.  If you're in a dorm and you have issues with light, get a mask.  Basically, don't ask her to change something that you would be unwilling to change.  If you do, her aggitation is justified.

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