
My roommate is trippin?

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She wants to get her nose pierced and str8'n her hair, i think she looks fine the way she is. What do u think?




  1. Don't let her straighten a curl on her head! She looks perfect the way she is.

  2. LOL well if she is trippin tell her to tie her shoes

    & her hair looks pretty the way it is, but it would still look nice if she straightened it, idk about the nose ring though

  3. i straightenmy hair and the secondit gets wet it curls up again so what it looks more professional straight in my opinion. nose rings can look kind of sluish sometimes but if she wants one who cares.

  4. i think it's natural because she is a girl.  

  5. first dont say trippin that was so last year my father still says that and wat is wrong with straighting hair just get a curling iron and make it curly again and if she wants to pierce her nose o well it wouldn't make her ugly

    u r a CLOWN

    what does bfrc mean anyways

  6. shes pretty nice skin

    she should get contacts

    if she wants to striaghten her hair let her

    i do, and i let my natural curly hair out at times too.

    her nose is cute and small, a nose ring would look good on her

    shes blessed because people with big *** noses get their noses peirced and you cant even see them!

    let her do it llol!

    she will get more manzz  

  7. I agree with you, but i have curly hair like she does and no-one understands how annoying it can be.

    It doesn't matter if she wants to straighten it from time to time :)

    Just make sure you let her know that everyone likes her curly hair too, so not to straighten it too often!

    And with the nose thing, I'd tell her how you feel, but with something like that you can't really hold her back. Just tell her to make sure she knows she's doing the right thing :) If she wants it pierced, then she wants it pierced at the end of the day.

    It's not worth starting an argument over :)

    Good luck! :)

  8. Oh let her do what she wants, she'll never stop thinking of her plans for a change. once she experienced what she wants to happen she will eventually lose interest on it. and be herself again.


  9. Well, sometimes its hard to persuade people, u know,

    just tell her what you think about it and leave it.

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