
My rose crop is shedding green leaves and there are no signs of downy mildew, what could be wrong

by Guest32396  |  earlier

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My rose crop is shedding green leaves and there are no signs of downy mildew, what could be wrong




  1. Drought is one possibility,over watering another.Shedding green leaves indicates the plant is stressed,check the soil contains sufficient nutrients.In the UK,it's late in the season to feed rose bushes,as this will encourage soft sappy growth susceptible to frost.

    Add a dressing of compost,peat or manure when the soil is moist.Ensure the bushes are solid in the soil,not liable to wind rock.

    Check for insect attack,spraying with the insecticide sold in your zone.

  2. depends on your area-here is drought-heat of summer-plant stress

  3. it is to early for the rose to do this...soooo what you do is,you check around the roots of the plant see if there is too much soil,please remove a little  of the soil from the trunk of the rose...plant some green onions,and get a banana peel chop this up dig a hole and put it there..water it..check if there is too much limestone,and less calcium in the soil...the roses for some reason likes onions,and banana peel,also don't find it strange I said to try this ok it really works...I hope your plant gets well..  

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