
My rptile was exposed to cedar. After noticing rashes on his skin i took him out of his cage. will he be ok?

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My rptile was exposed to cedar. After noticing rashes on his skin i took him out of his cage. will he be ok?




  1. More than likely yes, h**l be fine. The cedar is an irritant and the rash is just irritated skin. If it was exposed to cedar for a long time than it may of developed a respiratory condition, though it sounds like thats not the case.

    Give it some time, and if the rash doesn't go away, becomes worse, or your reptile starts acting sick, see a vet.

  2. The best bet is to let him get checked by a vet who knows what they are doing.  However I know from experience that not everybody has a herp vet near by.  My suggestion is to totally clean his environment.  Then make his warm side of his tank a little warmer than usual.  And make absolutely sure that you put fresh water daily on the cool end.  Depending on the  type of snake you have you may want to adjust the humidity.  This is my idea.    Also when you go to turn the heat back to normal do it gradually.  A lower it a little each day until it is back to normal.   Also make sure your snake gets it equal hours of darkness and light.

  3. ceder usually causes respiratory problems not necessary skin problems. Ceder is a known irritants of skin, and causes not only irritation, but the degeneration and death of the cells in the respiratory tract. If the wound is open i could clean it with some iodine. If not watch it and if it spreds or gets worse, if so i would go a vet. But i will say not knowing how bad the irration is i can`t say weather going to vet now is recommended or not.

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