I worked a 14 hr day 2day, my body is sore from working and I am exhausted from going to school (full time! All year around!) and I get home, i toss my wash in the machine at my apt and go back in my apt to study. I wait literally 20 mins go out to check 2 see if it is on spin cycle and - my crazy *** methed neighbor is tossing my clothes on her nasty shower curtain!! The light on the spin cycle was still on! I yelld at her and asked her what the heck her prob was, she said sorry and told me " well, I put it on a plastic sheet.. " I told her I was putting my things in the dryer and told her not 2 take it out! But now I think, maybe I should have washed it again, but her clothes were in the wash.
I am so exhausted I can't stay awake to wash my clothes again (after hers!) and then dry them! I have to up for class @ 8am.
Should I have washed them? I can't get some crazy illness can I?
She is so gross and nuts! She is up for days straight, I tried 2 tell my property mnger and well, guess who she works for!? Yep! Cleaning the landry room! She really is crazy, when my mom came over to help me move, she told my mom to buy tamales and asked her if she needed a dog. She saw me at the library, asked me how my parrot was ( I don't have a bird) and rubbed her calloused hands on my face and told me I was 'too beautiful' she asked me for a ride when I was driving to work @ 5am.
I don't know what 2do. I can't move.
Will I be okay not washing my clothes again?
Is there some socially acceptable way to get take out my frustrations?