
My russian hamster is goin CRAZZZZZZY?

by Guest34122  |  earlier

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my russan hamster keeps trying to run up walls and he keeps climbing up the bars (i have half plastic half bar cage) i am worried that he is trying to escape and run away :'(




  1. !?

  2. dont worry he wont escape unless you keep some part of the cage opened.

  3. no worry...just a hyper little dood ya got! although just in case keep the door shut!

  4. aww i have had 4 hamsters and they have done the same dont worry, and yes hamsters do rule!!!!

  5. Those russian hamsters!  Whatcha gonna do!

  6. He will just do that because his personality is  energetic

    if he is new, he is just getting used to the place

    and hamsters like to climb so its just naturaul

    ANd hamsters rule!!

  7. I have a Russian hamster and he will eventually calm down

  8. There is nothing to worry about. Each hamster has its own personality and your hamster has a very hyperactive personality. That is why the running and climbing bars. It is very amusing to watch hyperactive hamsters go about their life in the cage and you will have good fun observing him.

    Hyperactive hamsters tend to get bored of the same cage soon, so try to give him a variety of activities like putting him in the hamster ball for 20 mins everyday, putting him in a hamster playpen or in a hamster proof area to give him the variety required in his activity.

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