
My sales staff cant co operate with each other,how to make them co operate?

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My sales staff cant co operate with each other,how to make them co operate?




  1. bride them with stuff.

  2. Offer some sort of incentive program.

  3. Good question.  It's tough to "make" people do anything--especially cooperate if they are playing a zero sum game.  If, on the other hand, it's possible to structure their work environment so they are not in a zero sum "game" [that is set it up so that they all benefit when one benefits] things might improve.  It's the same basic idea behind getting members of a football team to work together.  When they all believe that team achievements (touchdowns and winning games) are more important that individual success, cooperation goes up.  Each member can maximize their own rewards only to the extent the help the team do well.

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