
My same s*x partner has a HK special status passport we want to enter a civil partnership Do's he need approva

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My same s*x partner has a HK special status passport we want to enter a civil partnership Do's he need approva




  1. Eugh


    get out

    you're all gonna die out anyway

  2. I'm not sure phone the local register office they will tell you

  3. What has the "same s*x" part got to do with anything? I thought g**s had demanded and got equality, and now want to take over the world. lol.

  4. You didn't disclose your identity!! Check with any marriage consultancy services!!

  5. Are you in the UK? Non-EU citizens living in the UK need to apply for Home Office permission to enter a civil partnership/get married.

    Outside the UK he needs to apply for a marriage/CP visa. Entering a CP/marrying does not give the right to abode in the UK.

  6. I would go to California to get married cause no where in the immigration rules say that it has to be a hetrosexual marriage or a marriage between 1 man and 1 woman. I sugesst Cali since they do not have residency laws.

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