
My saturn is in aquarius it says i have bad luck what does this mean?

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My saturn is in aquarius it says i have bad luck what does this mean?




  1. Saturn is the great teacher...those obstacles are for your benefit...use them.

  2. Everyone has Saturn placed in their charts somewhere - and Saturn as the Lord of Karma and Time makes sure that nothing is earned without hard work, delays and restrictions... so in a way, everyone has some 'hard luck' associated to the sign/house placement of Saturn in their charts.

    As an Air sign, Aquarius rules groups and humanitarian concerns, the wishes, hopes and dreams of the broader masses. When Saturn is found here, this means that you could face some hiccups in identifying with the group situation and its not easy for you to give up some of your individual ego for the sake and benefits of the larger masses.

    Also, look to the ASPECTS that Saturn makes with the other planets in your chart. If there are difficult placements like conjunctions, squares and oppositions with significant planets like the Sun, Moon, Venus etc..then this could mean that you have to put in more effort in those areas of your life where Saturnian energies seem oppressive and restrictive.  

  3. Saturn is one of the rulers of Aquarius.  That's not bad luck.  Don't believe everything you read.

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