
My saturn keeps getting broken into? What am I doing wrong?

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Hi, my car is in the city (philadelphia) but I leave it empty, I don't even have a radio? Is a Saturn easier to break into (they always bust my back window). I don't have a car alarm but I guess need to get one. Has anyone else found good ways to keep people out of the car? .. I always lock it, I use the Club, and I park in well lit areas. Nothing seems to be taken, which leads me to believe the Saturn is just an easy target - or I have an enemy out there, any help is appreciated.




  1. If they aren't taking anything you probably have an enemy. Saturn is one of the easiest cars to break into right up there with the Hondas and Toyotas. But since they aren't taking anything it is just some kids that are very bored or dont like you too much. When it happens are you calling the PD. If not I would start and let them know that they have been doing this for awhile. If you live in an apt complex and it keeps getting broken  in there I would let the manager know and possible tell them after filing more than 1 police report that you are moving out even if it breaks your lease due to safety issues and if they try to take you to court any judge if you have multiplt police reports would not stop you from moving out due to your safety.

  2. Your goal in installing car security devices, aside from lowering your insurance rates, is to deter a potential car thief from stealing your car.

    When given a choice, all of us will take the most lucrative and easily achievable path when it comes to making a few bucks.

    Car thieves are no different. If you install one or more of the following anti-theft items and you are parked next to another car whose owner has only locked their doors, your car will most likely be passed by. Consider the following options:

    Car Alarms

    Stickers and Decals

    Locking Bars

    Steering Wheel Collars

    Tire Locks

    Smart Keys

    Starter, Ignition, and Fuel Disablers

    Tracking Devices

    VIN Etching

  3. you pissed somebody off, move or park it somewhere else.

  4. It could be an easy one to brake into, or do you have an anyone that you aren't/don't get along with that would like to do something like that to you.....

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