
My school is only open three days a week, why not just close the schools?

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People can learn at home and stop all the wasted money on busing and dorky teachers who do drugs and listen to music all day. I hate my school. Vote to close schools.




  1. You might be taught less B.S. if you are home-schooled; the American school system is a joke anyways. They are just trying to keep people dumb; just like them adding/leaving sodium fluoride to 70% of the countries water.

  2. There was a time when a free education wasn't available to people like yourself.  You would (still) be illiterate, and your options for employment as an adult severely limited.  

    People fought for the right for every person to be educated, because they thought it was so important.  Now we have a generation who don't care at all that they have the opportunity handed to them on a silver platter.

    Part of it is because you are spoiled and indulged.  But part of it is your frustration with a broken educational system.  I do sympathize with you - there is little reason to respect the system from a student's point of view.  I'm sorry you have to grow up in it.  But do try to learn something - because someday you'll be glad you did.  

  3. For all the good it's doing you, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

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