
My school isnt doing a good job of my 504 plan!?

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Ive had a 504 plan (learniing disability or other disability plan) and ive not really seen my school do a good job of giving me the extra time on homework and tests that i need. One teacher wont give me both because she feels its not fair to the other students but the other students dont have bad ADD like i do. My school counselor is not doing one thing to make sure im getting the help i need and even though Im a senior and leaving in 3 months Im still pretty mad that nothing is being done. But how can I make sure my 504 plan will be taken care of in college? I really do need everything my plan states are reasonable accomidations




  1. ADD does not exist, it's just bad parenting.

  2. i have ADHD.  and i have a IEP plan. these teachers are really mean just think you are out of there in 3 months

  3. ask you assesment team for a supervisor who is in charge of the 504 plans..this would be someone in your school district that handles all the 504 and not someone in school..when you get the name of the person and number call and tell her your situation..even though you are is not fair to you and to the others who will not speak up...

  4. Go talk with your teacher and the law states you have  a right for the accommodations, just be sure you do not go to your teacher the day before your project is due to request extra time.  

    1.  Set up a schedule with your teacher for check-in- have a format of when things are due in small amounts.

    2.  Have your parent contact the teacher again.

    3.  Meet with counselor to use a planner for organization.

    4.  When you go to college, the law is different.  You will need to meet with your professor to discuss your issue, and then meet with a disabilities coordinator at your college to help you.  Be sure you go to a school that has supports available.

  5. sorry to here they are not helping you out. let your parents know and get an advocate to help you. they have to follow the laws.sounds to me they are not doing that.

  6. Write a letter to the principal this evening stating what you had just said.  Your teacher is violating law by not allowing you extended time on homework and tests. Your counselor is not doing her job by supporting you.  Time left in school means nothing when it comes to breaking the law!

    Inform your parents and ask them to either sign the letter asking the principal to give them a call.  If they won't and you don't think it would cause a blow up with your parents, write the letter anyway and put it in the principal's hands or in his box at worse case scenario.

    This is good practice for you when you go to school next year.  Did you fill out the paperwork for you to get extra time on the SATs?

  7. YOu have to get your parents involved. Tell them to write a letter to the district 504 coordinator explaining everythign.

    Everything has to be in writting. THey also need to state that the school is violating the laws of ADA and that they will take legal action if they continue to violate this law.

    Send a copy of this letter to the district superintendent.

    Sorry to say, but they ONLY way to get schools to do right is to bring legal action into it.

    As for college, get a copy of your 504 plan (school is suppose to give your parents a copy) and take it to college when you go. Have a meeting with them and explain your situation and have changes made to the 504 plan if you need them. High school will be in the past once you get to college and what they do or not do won't matter once you get into college.

  8. have your parents show the teachers the plan and say, "this is a legal documant.  You are required under federal law to comply with my daughter's accommodations.  If you do not then I will sue you and this school district for noncompliance, and you will loose your teaching licence".  I can not believe your counselor is not fighting for you!  THat is her job as your liaison.  Tell your principal and have your parents threaten anyone involved.  It;'s against the law!

  9. Both my son and niece are on the 504 plan. First go to your principal. then go to your local school board office and ask to file a complaint. Get your parents or legal guardians involved. Go light a fire under somebody who might have some pull. You can always write in to your local paper about it.

  10. This is a simple one to solve. Go to the Office of Civil Rights. I bet they will take care of this for you. 504 plans are under the jurisdiction of the Office of Civil Rights.

    Here is how to file a formal complaint.

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