I go to a year round high school (I'm 16) and the year just started. I have dyslexia (I'm not in the states, here dyslexia qualifies you as LD) and mom and I were at an IEP meeting. The psychologist and learning strategist had been going over teacher observations from last year and the year before, as well as observations made during tests by the psychologist (WIAT-II, ect.), and my report cards and teacher comments from elementary school and the psychologist and learning strategist told my mom that they think I have ADHD, and she should consult our family doctor about it. My mom blew up at them, and told them ADHD is just a made up disease, and went on this long rant about how tapping and fidgeting is just the way I am, and I can pay attention if I want to, after all, I can be hyper-focused on music, and that doesn't mean I have a disease.
When the school told her they thought I had dyslexia when I was 8, she blew up at them and told them that some kids don't learn to read until there 8, that's normal, after all she didn't, and of course I can't spell, neither can she. And it took her a really long time to let them test me and help me, and to this date she still says I just have a spelling problem at IEP meetings.
I really think I do have ADHD, but I will never get help with out my mom, at least not before I graduate. Does anyone know how I can help her see that ADHD isn't just 'made up'? If not, can I go to the doctor once I am 18 with out my mom for an evaluation for ADHD?