
My school won't allow Youth Alive Day of Purity,but they will allow GSA day of silence...

by Guest32255  |  earlier

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I don't know what to do. The g*y Straight Alliance campus club is allowed to participate and advertise for the annual Day of Silence, but the Youth Alive (Campus Christian Club) club isn't allowed to participate or advertise for the annual day of purity. I know I have rights, but my vice principal wouldn't listen to me. I just don't know what to do.




  1. That's because the GSA is about people, not religion.  And the CCC is about religion.  The GSA isn't trying to make you g*y.  But the CCC is trying to convert you, and that's not allowed in public schools.  You don't get to force your religion on anyone else.  I very much doubt the ACLU will side with you on this one.  Sounds like your principal is interpreting the constitution correctly.

  2. because GSA is actually trying to move our world forward, in a direction of understanding, acceptance, and unity. something that we all can profit from.

    things like "Purity day" revives biased, unnatural practices that move our world backward, and keep people fighting amongst each other over silly things like religious beliefs.

    edit... what does "purity" even mean? have you thought about that? its a religious term invented to make people feel bad about doing natural things, as if somehow you're no longer "whole" or "clean" or "pure" if you have s*x. its a ridiculous word and in my opinion should be stricken from being used in this sense. one choosing to have s*x or not should be their own business, and having a day set aside for "purity" IS allowing the church into the school.

  3. Because people are afraid of religion. They like to say that a Christian campus group is not allowed because it violates the separation of church and state provision in the Constitution (but that's a lie, no such provision exists). What is happening in reality is a violation of your Constitutional rights:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    As you can see from the text of the First Amendment of the Constitution you cannot be prohibited from the free exercise of your religion. The problem is that the liberals will scream foul and the ACLU will come down on your school really hard. Conservatives usually back down on this issue.

    Your principal is not interpreting the Constitution correctly, he, or she, is just afraid to face the fallout.

  4. what part of separation of church and state do you not understand? the schools are not an appropriate place for you to shove your religion down everyone's throats.

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