
My school won't understand me?

by Guest34429  |  earlier

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cause ive got ADHD and Asperger syndrome any advise




  1. You must write a letter to your head master or head mistress or whatever they are called these days, and detail your concerns. At the end of the letter put this:

    "As education is vital in order to succeed in today's economy, it is important that my concerns are aknowledged and addressed. Moving to a specialist school is not in my interests as it will add to the psychological trauma that I suffer from as a result of my existing conditions."

    If you put that in they will listen to you, Good Luck you won't always feel like this believe me.

  2. Show your school my video.

  3. Ask your parents to set up an IEP meeting.

  4. Most important thing, in the UK, it is government policy where possible to include children with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools.  All schools are obliged to have someone to take charge of SEN in their schools, usually called a Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) or Inclusion Manager.  

    If you have Asperger's Syndrome combined with ADHD, you may have a Statement or at least be on School Action Plus or School Action - this means the SENCO/Inclusion Manager should be involved as soon as you are admitted.  The SENCO will have a number of resources s/he can access in order to make sure that you are fully included from an educational perspective in the school - including informing all staff & ensuring that they've had some Autism/Asperger's awareness training, also stategies on how to cope if your behaviour gets out of hand.  If you are Statemented, it should include objectives & targets that need to met in order to ensure that you are fully included in the school.  

    It will down to your parents to ensure that the school are fully informed of your diagnoses & to monitor any support necessary is put in place.  There are number of resources your parents can also turn to for help such as the Local Authority and independent organisations like NAS (National Autistic Society) and the Parent Partnership in your local area:

    I can prattle on all day about what the school should do, unfortunately, I can't speak for the children, or predict their behaviour, you will be attending school with, is this what's really worrying you?

  5. You need to attend a school with specialist teachers who are trained to deal with those conditions.

  6. no

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