
My schools getting the jabs for cervical cancer?

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Im 14, && im getting the injection for cervical cancer next week? Is there any side effects for this coz alot of my friends parents dont want them getting the jab?




  1. There are all sort of side effects reported for Gardisil, which is the vaccine you will receive, but none of them are serious. Most of the side effects reported for the vaccine are also reported by people that received shots of normal saline in clinical trials, so the vaccine appears as safe any medication or vaccine - in all medications and vaccines, there are always some people that report side effects. This happens partly because if someone happens to get sick or feel bad at the same time they had a vaccine, they attribute the problem to the vaccine.

    The virus that causes cervical cancer is abbreviated as HPV. There are always a lot of people that think vaccines are bad no matter what. Nearly all people are exposed to HPV eventually, so the risk of HPV is close to 90% for females that are or someday become sexually active.

    The HPV vaccine contains ground up virus proteins, and without the vaccine you are going to end up with these proteins anyhow if you later get infected with HPV. So, it logically doesn't create any risks that you won't face anyhow if you didn't take the vaccine, but the difference is that with the vaccine, you will be immune to HPV infections that promote cervical cancer, and without the vaccine you are nearly certain to become infected.

  2. Some parents feel that if their daughter receives the immunization that it will be giving them the go ahead to have sexual intercourse. The main side effects of the shot is pain in the arm after the injection. I feel it is worth having the shot to prevent cervical cancer which is a lot more painful than having a shot in the arm.

  3. Well the smartest and safest thing to do is to go to a doctor, get medical and professional opinions other than that i have never heard of this before but you can search at  I'm not sure and its a great medical website that could possibly answer your questions...

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. actually there are.  some girls have even died.  i am a scientist at Hopkins and im 25. i decided not to get the shot because i actually read the research.  they are lots of side effects and i dont think they should make you get this.  pain at injection site, seizures on the table, lots of things. do some research its really only your decision.  

  5. Not sure about this. But if you really have doubts for this issue. It is best to consult your parents, or ask ur family doctor, or some clinic which you used to see a doctor for flu, cough, fever as such. Ask them and relate this issue to them whether is it safe to take the jab.

    It is better to consult a professional rather than making an indecisive decision.

    Don't Worry .. Just ask...

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