
My science teacher is so mean!!?

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MY science teachers so mean!!!!!!!!!!

In class today we were learning about cell reproduction and cells so we started an assignment about it and we asked our teacher (evil) and she says look girls i've already explained it so get to work!!!

And i said um while how if we don't get it and she said start working!!

and right before the bell rang she says if your not done come in at lunch or finish it at home tonight!

So we went in at lunch and started working and i went and asked her a question and she started yelling at me!!

So me and my friends went to Mr.Carragan who is one of the teachers and asked him for help cause he was in his science room he said sure come on in and we finished the assignment with his help!!!

He said if you've got anymore science you need help with come find me so we said okay thanks

and as we were leaving the second floor Mr. Charron comes out and says where'd you girls go like yelling at us and we said you wouldn't help us so we went to Mr. Carragan and he help




  1. First of all, were you just not listening during her explanation, or did you just honestly not "get" the way she explained it?  It sounds like she did offer to let you come in during your lunch hour to give you help with it, were you respectful to her?

    If you weren't paying attention, then it's really pretty disrespectful to expect her to go over everything again.  However, if you honestly didn't understand her explanation, then you need to tell her that - tell her that you listened, show her your notes to prove you were paying attention, and just let her know what you're confused about.

    IF - and it's a big IF - she really was that mean, then I'd say to get your parents involved.  I had that happen in jr. high - a teacher refused to help me with something I honestly didn't understand and then failed me for it, pushed me down in front of the class and yelled at me, all because the way she taught it didn't make sense to me.  For that, my mom went in and raised cain - but that teacher was also well known for that type of behavior toward students.

    Bottom line - if you weren't paying attention, then you really pretty much deserve what you get.  However, IF you were trying your best and really felt that she was refusing to help you, then get your mom involved and let her handle it.

  2. Go to your principal and calmly and politely explain the situation.

    Don't use any words like "evil", "terrible", etc...

  3. Good for you for doing what you think is right.  Teachers need to realize that students are human beings also and not all students are a pain in the A**.

  4. You need to go see the Principal about this...there is no reason for a teacher to refuse you help! That's a bunch of c**p!

  5. go you your science teacher?

    its school, just take it like a man

    phase it

  6. A teacher shouldn't handle their students like that.  HOWEVER, I know that when my students don't pay attention and then ask me questions, it makes me upset.  I'm not saying you weren't paying attention...I'm just saying.

    The teacher could have been having a bad day (no excuse but possible).  If he has been like this all year...I would go talk to the principal or the administrator in charge of science OR the science dept chair.  If the teacher is still being mean (retaliation in ANY way), have your parents come in immediately and get a transfer to a new class.

  7. I am a science teacher.  I think there might be something left out of your story.  The fact that your teacher said she had already explained the assignment tells me that there is a good chance you and your friends weren't listening during the teacher's explanation.  A teacher finds that very frustrating and might say that she will not explain it again during class time and that you need to come in on your own time to learn the material.  That would also explain why she was upset that Mr. Carragan stepped in.  It sounds more like a discipline issue to me.

  8. Okay. Well, look here, because you have not asked a question just now, it's a rant.

    If your teacher is giving you a hard time, then you should go talk to the counsellors, or make a complaint to your principals, and they'll start looking into your teacher. (Out of curiousity, what were his exact "yelling" words??)

  9. just slap the *****. or you could just tell mr. carragan the situation and im sure he will talk it over with her. you cant get into to much trouble or talking to another teacher. She will probably forget by tomorrow anyways. just dont bring it up

  10. Go to school tomorrow and if the teacher does something mean, report her.

    It was nice that Mr. Charron helped you and your friends.

  11. every day i thank God that i'm homeschooled and that i don't have to deal with teachers... and JUST BCUS I'M HOMESCHOOLED DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS SO DON'T EVEN THINK THAT U HAVE TO B PUBLIC SCHOOLED TO MEET PPL. thank u.

    def go to the principal. mayb that teacher will get fired... *evil laugh*

  12. I'm sorry, but while your teacher may have said all of this in an unfriendly way, what she did was right, and it was Mr. Carragan who was very much in the wrong.  In order to learn things, you need to be able to figure them out for yourselves much of the time.  She had made it very clear that she wanted you to work on this on your own.  Instead, you went to another teacher who "helped" you.  But that means that you missed the experience of figuring it out for yourselves like she told you she wanted you to do.  He should never have done that without checking with her first.  I would be furious if one of my colleagues helped my students with work I wanted them to figure out for themselves; he basically undermined her teaching just to be popular with the students (unless you didn't tell him this was your homework).

  13. 1.  Try to document, the interactions you have with this teacher.  As hard as it is, TRY to be as honest and emotionless as possible.  Use quotations when possible.  IE:

    We told him/her we didn't understand the directions and he/she said "I''ve already explained it, get to work" and refused to explain it again in terms you could understand.

    2.  Document the interaction with the other teacher, (without naming him/her)  "We went to another science teacher, who explained it more clearly, and we were able to accomplish the assignment".

    3.  Go to your counselor first.  Parents next with Principal.  Our daughter had one like this, and he blocked the door so she couldn't leave the room until he "talked with her".  I blew an Irish fuse, daddy and I went to the school and she was out of that class the same day.

    4. Be sure you aren't creating, or partly creating the hostility by not paying attention, talking ,etc.  Teaching is a tough job, I tried it before changing my major to Nursing!!

    Good Luck kiddo.               Lori

  14. wow, what a b*tch. my advice to you for the moment is to not do anything. you're not sure if she will do anything like she threatened too. but if she was explaining and lecturing and you were talking, it is your fault.

    If not, if she tries to do anything, go complain to the principal in a rational, professional way.

  15. your teacher sounds like a grade A deushe bag. Do what I do... Go up to her and tell her she's not doing her job right tell her the whole point of being a teacher is to help out the kids who need her f'ing help!!

  16. I had a mean science teacher too :)

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