
My science teacher told me - if we put on goggles to turn everything upsidedown visually then our brains would

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My science teacher told me - if we put on goggles to turn everything upsidedown visually then our brains would




  1. The physical images captured by your eyes are actually upside down and your brain turns them around.  If you put on glasses to show things as they actually are, your brain would at first show things as upside down but would soon turn the images around so they look normal.  This applies to most, probably all, of the senses.

  2. I think the end of this question is "  .  .  .  then our brains would adapt to the changed stimuli and show us the images right side up again."  Yes, this is true.  The process takes several days, and when the test subjects finally take the goggles off, they have to go through the same thing in reverse.

  3. There was a case study into this, people were made to live with goggles that turned the image you see upside down. After about 2 weeks the image they perceived was the right way around again...

    Naturally then it also takes two weeks to return to normal.

  4. never doubt the amazing abilities of the human brain !

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