
My search bar disappered and another appeared When I search for a web site I am taken to another web site. ???

by  |  earlier

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Somehow my original search bar dissapeared and mywebsearch bar appeared. When I try and search for a particular web site I am taken to an entirly different website. This is very frustrating and I need to know how to fix this problem. What can i do to solve this problem?




  1. download the FREE program It soundl like you have a virus that will change your search bar to their own. This program will remove ALL spyware etc. fast.

  2. Place your cursor on the section that contains the part of the menu bar that has File Edit etc.  Right click.  That should show you Google, Yahoo, Mywebsearch... what even search engines that have  been attached to your browser.  Uncheck Mysebsearch and click the one you want.  Sometime you have to check the wrong one to get the right one to appear on your browser.

    I personally like Google the best....

  3. Mywebsearch is known spyware and from what I have heard it is a pain to remove once you have it.  Get your hands on some good anti-spyware like AdAware.

  4. Download & run Ad-aware,

    Also, check your add/remove programs and uninstall this toolbar if it is in there.

    Good luck.

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