
My season is just starting and my team really needs a good ace cheer , kill cheer, and pump up cheer?

by  |  earlier

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It cant be really long long or complicated. Just something to make the other team feel like ****




  1. stomp

    clap, clap





    and then

    ten jack queen kings ACE ACE

  2. ace- our teams gets in teh middle on our stomachs and hits the floor with our hands then we say "aaaaaaaaaacccccccceeeeeeeeee" and jump up

    kill- we put our hands out like one on top of the other and take the top one and go "boom" then we move our hands up towards our shoulders twice and say "click click" then we circle our fists in the air and say "reload"

    pump up- like if you mean you need them just to forget about that last bad play our team does (clap w/ first two words) thats okay. then you shake your hands and say "shake it off" then cross arms so that your hands are near your shoulders and say "brush it off"

    hope this helped.

  3. i got a ace cheer it is

    a ace a c e ace go ace we got another one just like the other one right back at u whew whew

    every one use it for club cause i use it

  4. for kills we do click click boom...ace cheer we just do aaaaaa-ace*clap* and for blocks we do she said no! hope that helps

  5. We all get in the circle before a game and put are amrs on each others shoulders and say "tooty fruity! kick some BOOTY!" and we kick the person to the right of us in the butt....and for aces we say:

      We want another one,

    Just like the other one

    Ace ace ace ace ace!

    Here I'll give you a lot and let you choose the best chants!

    O-V-E-R, Over the net (clap twice)

    Serve it, serve it

    Go (server)

    Bump, bump bump it up, Bump that (school's name) spirit up, Spike, spike, spike it down, Spike that (opposing school's name) spirit down, Win, win, win the game, Put those (opposing school's team name) straight to shame!

    Bump, Set, Spike, Score keep those (opposing school's team name) on the floor!

    Get it up or dig it out

    That’s what were all about

    one two three four,

    we served the ball it hit the floor

    A-B-C?, nope!

    A-C-E?, yea, yea, thats what we got,

    I say, we're burning, we're hotter than hot,

    and A-C-E is what we got!

    Front 3: We are the (mascot) and you know what we got?

    Back 3: What do we got?

    Front 3: We got a team that is hotter than hot!

    Back 3: How hot is hot?

    All: Bumps, Sets, and Spiking too *Woo*Woo*

    So hit the ball like the rest of us do!


    Front 3: P-U-M-P PUMP IT UP


    Front 3: D-O-N-T DON'T GIVE UP


    Everyone: W-I-N WIN THE GAME

    that's the way

    uh huh uh huh

    we like it

    uh huh uh huh

    that’s the way

    uh huh uh huh

    we spike it

    Get low Get low

    Get low Get low

    Get down and ready

    Get dirty and sweaty

    uno dos treis

    ace ace ace!

    mirror mirror on the wall

    pretty girls dont play ball

    so lets get u-g-l-y UGLY!!

    B-E-A-T beat em , B-U-S-T bust em, beat em bust em thats our custom now it time to read adjust them go (mascot)!

    I hope some of these help!!!

  6. ACE ACE

    IN YOUR FACE! :]


    but ours is

    we all huddle in the middle and then idk if youv eseen the movie superstar.

    but  we go down on one knee with our arms up and make an a with our and yell ace

  7. We used to have for ace...

    AYY - SEE - EEE ACE!!!! (Jump up and stomp two feet on the ground) HIT THE FLOOR.

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