
My second night in my holiday home (it was really hot) I had a weird dream

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OK, so I'm in an English lesson, and my English teacher says we're going on a trip to Birmingham. So she gives the letter to me, then all of a sudden I'm on the train. Except the train, it's really weird, instead of being a proper train, it's just rollercoaster cars, and it's freezing too. So I turn to my friend next to me and talk about how budget this train is, and the driver hears me. He doesn't look too happy. Next thing I know ,these goons are grabbing me, then they put me in this room with my mum (?) and the room starts falling! So we're falling and screaming and screaming and falling, then we land with a thunk. I am soaked through! I get out of the room, in my school PE kit, and I start walking my horse (?) home through this farm type place. My English teacher comes out of no where wearing a blue top and she says 'what are you doing' and I said 'nothing' and she said 'wanna do me a favour' and I say 'ok'. She leads me to a barn house, and inside, there are some girls from my year and they are making a figure of a cat on the floor. Except they're already done when I get there.


What does my dream mean?




  1. it means ur sick . u need help.

  2. Sometimes when we are in different places, we can have unexpected

    weird dreams and nightmares.

    We stayed in a cabin for a week at the beginning of the summer; the first 2 nights I had nightmares; woke up screaming.

    It may sound silly to some, but after that I prayed for the protection of

    Jesus over the cabin and commanded all spirits who had no right to be there to leave.  It worked.

    When you stay in other places, you don't know who else has been there before you and what they have carried in (baggage, spirits, etc.)

    not sure of the meaning, except to say that it won't hurt to pray.

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