
My septic tank/vents gives off a rotten egg smell. How can I eliminate theat smell with homemade ingredients?

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I have flushed with baking soda already but I really need to get rid of the odor.




  1. Either put in a taller pipe or flush muriatic acid down through your toilet. It'll kill any odor causing bacteria.

  2. I have never smelled any odor from the septic tank where I have lived.  Septic tanks do require some maintenance, here is a site with recommendations:

    Careful putting anything down there that was not intended to be in there.  You really don't want to get your tank's balance off.  

    If the system is operating properly, there should be no odors. If there are odors, it can be an early warning sign that the system is failing.

    You probably need to have the tank checked out.  If you are lucky, all it will need is pumped out.

  3. Air Freshener for temporary relief or try a product that eats the bacteria in your septic tank, I believe you flush these type of products down drains

  4. You can raise your vent by extending the pipe above nose level, or the best remedy would be to purchase a charcoal filter. If you bombard the septic with chemicals you stand the chance of killing off the bacteria that keeps it working. Check the main vent pipe on your home to make sure it is open this will help exhaust the oder also. It will probably be a 3" or 4" pipe sticking thru the roof.

  5. empty a litre of white vinegar into the system ,it will also help to restart the decomposition of waste

  6. rid-x ?

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