
My serpae tetras are bulling my albino cory cat what should i do?

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My serpae tetras are bulling my albino cory cat what should i do?




  1. If you only have one Cory it will be stressed and sending out stressed vibes the Serpae will see that as a meal.

    Tetra can't do anything to an armour plated catfish.

    Buy at least another albino or bronze, (they are the same species), to keep it company and it will chill. Also give it somewhere to hide.

  2. I had a same issue with convicts. Two had paired up and were building a nest and wanted everyone out of the tank so they just started killing the other fish. It was horrible, so I dont know if thats whats going on you might want to see if you can see two hanging around each other more than usual.  

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