
My seven year old son hits on his little sister.?

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When my seven year old son comes home from school, he hits on his on his three year old sister. I don't why he does that but from what I know other kids his age picks on him at school.What can I do to stop my son from hitting on his sister?




  1. Hits on his sister? As in making romantic advances on her?

  2. I am assuming you meant that your son HITS your three year old, not HITS ON your three year old. If that is the case (HITTING), then you might consider home schooling him for a while. We home school our three boys because we don't want the issues that we KNOW will come home from our inner-city schools (we're near the bottom in the nation in terms of school districts.) There are more resources out there for home schooling than you think and it's not so difficult - especially at this age (my oldest is 8.)

    Other than that, if he is being picked on in school and you really don't feel you can homeschool them, then you NEED to be his advocate at the school. Bullying at the school MUST be addressed adult-to-adult and STOPPED immediately. If your local school officials won't deal with it, take it higher - everyone has someone they work for. Be the squeeky wheel for your son before he really has trouble down the line.

    In the meantime, tell your son in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that hitting his sister will NOT be tolerated and that every time he hits her a) he'll have to apologize, b) he'll have to do xxxx for punishment. (You choose, although I've found meaningless house chores work well - not regular chores like sweeping the floor or making the beds, but like washing the walls or one of the little jobs that you wish you had time for but never seem to get around to... Work such as that is a pretty quick attitude changer - we call it "working out the grumpus" after a book called "The Grumpus Under the Rug")

    good luck - it's a hard place to be.

  3. If he is doing this to act out his own frustrations from school than you need to help stop whatever is going on there and it should fix the problems at home. Most kids pick on others that are weaker, if he is the weaker one at school then he gets mad and takes it out on her because she is weaker than he is. I think talking to the school or even a proffesional is a good idea you don't want it to go too far or get out of hand. Please get some help for him and good luck.

  4. I used to be the same when I was in middle school.  I used to get picked on or when my peers told that I was doing something wrong like an assignment or misunderstood what they told me, they corrected me in an angry manner.  Well I would treat my younger cousins like dirt because I didn't want to stand up to my classmates.  It became easier to pick on the weaker than to fight back.

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