
My sexual orientation?

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I am 22 year old male. When I was a child, at school guys(males) were calling me names, like "THE WOMAN" etc. I fantasized having s*x with guys. But then, the first girlfriend came. I was nervous, feeling something in my stomach, my whole body was shaking. Then another girlfriend came, and another....I started dating with girls, with a lot of them. I still continued fantasizing about guys, until the age of 17-18. Then I started fantasizing about girls.I felt chemistry between me and some girls while kissing. The last couple of times a had even an erection for 6-7 of them, when they get close to me physically. So, I realized that I have had a trauma from my male friends, who tried to turn me into woman while I was young. This year I had my first sexual experience, it was with a girl and it was great! I think that both of us were exited. So, can you tell me how to eliminate the g*y thoughts from my mind, because in reality I don't feel strong physical attraction to men, I never had an erection on man etc. I just want to spend more of my time with girls - hanging out, going out with them etc, I think they are more intelligent than the most male friends I know. Can you tell me what you think about my sexual orientation and recommend me something?




  1. Papaya.

  2. The only thing I can recommend is that you take your time, and let it happen naturally.  If you are completely heterosexual, then the more you get use to women, the less you will fantaize about men.

    During your teenage years, it is very difficult to understand your sexual orientation mostly because of pressure and lack of experience.

    We are so quick to label ourselves as "straight" or "g*y", that we don't take the time to truly know what we feel about them.

    You can't get rid of "g*y thoughts".

    If you are bisexual, then you will have them.  It's not a disease, you cannot cure it.

    If you are not bisexual or homosexual, then they will preoccupy your thoughts less and less as you get more comfortable with women.


    Trauma doesn't cause homosexuality.

    There isn't enough evidence to prove how homosexuality is developed.

  3. It's just a fantasy.  Keep it at that.  Nothing wrong with fantasies, just don't act on them.

  4. I think you are in the right track, so, follow your heart.

  5. you sound to me like you are straight, but remember that things arent as clean-cut as straight/g*y.  there is a whole spectrum of bisexuality in between.  do what you want to do with whoever you want, which basically means that you shouldnt feel bad if you want to fantasize about men or if you have s*x with women.  if you really want someone to tell you something that will make you perfectly straight, thats not going to happen.  we are who we are when it comes to sexual orientation.  the best thing you can do if you want to repress g*y thoughts is to think about women all the time, if you can even do that.
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