
My sheep keep escaping, what do i do! Where can i get rid of them fast?!?

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Hello, I live in England, and recently bought 8 sheep to graze down and help recover our horse field. However, 2 weeks ago they escaped for a week. We got them home after a week (as i was away). But yesterday they escaped again. We have 3 strips of Barbed wire and thick hedging but they just run through it! I can't cope with them and our neighbours have not got the police involved. Where do i stand as i really want to get ride of them but I don't know ehre and what to do tonight? I have no help, just me, and i can't round them up myself or catch them! Also can't afford sheep fencing, and i wad told when i bought them the fencing i had was more than sufficient.




  1. Mr's Tweedle's your woman d**n it she only wants chickens.

  2. You could try putting a strip of electric fencing at the right height as an immediate measure and get some sheep fencing in the longer term - a little bit at a time. Also try feeding them some sheep mix in the field a few times a day to encourage them to stay in case there is not enough grass for them at the moment.

    All animals take time to settle in and the sheep will stay where they are as soon as they realise that being inside is better than being outside.

  3. Barbed Wire and hedging will not keep sheep in. You need a woven wire fence or something equally confining. The grass is always greener on the other side. Don't expect them to stay in your pasture now that they have found a way out. Good luck.

  4. Is your name Bo Peep?

  5. You're going to have to dig deep and buy sheep fencing (its not THAT expensive)....they're stubborn creatures and will find their way through anything less.

  6. Set them free like wild sheep.  

  7. take them to aberdeen and pimp them out.

  8. If you need them away fast, maybe the RSPCA or similar organisation could help you.

  9. electric fencing....borrow or hire one

  10. throw a barbecue and serve mutton chops :)

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