
My shins dont get any better?

by  |  earlier

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I have shin splints and I take it easy a few days but then I run hard for a meet. After a few days, they hurt alot. We have a very important meet this friday and next tuesday. What should I do? Should I still work hard in practices?




  1. i have the same problem and I have a meet on thursday

    I am going to practice just like I usually would and ice it

    you should def. work hard in practices! Once you warm up the pain most likley goes away ... or at least mine does What do you run?

    ice will help!!!

  2. SHIN Splints SUCK....   I have this problem..

    i was in the army 4 years of Pain.   The only advice I can give is to remove your self from that Physical self Abuse...

    Take up some other sport..

  3. Don't work too hard in practice, but you definitely need to be running hareder than you are. That pain is the muscles in your shin being subjected to sudden tension they're not used too, so you need to work as hard as you can take in practice.

  4. -Ice

    -Stretch before and after every workout

    -Use a rolling pin on any sore leg muscles - this acts like a lower body massage and greatly reduces soreness (even in the knees).

    -Secret Weapon vs. Shin Splints - Add 4-6 50 meter backward runs to your warmup routine. I have my CC runners do this and we rarely have anyone with shin splints (2 in 11 years of coaching).

    -If none of this works quickly, you may have to take some time off and depending on the pain, you may need to see a doctor to make sure it isn't a stress fracture. Only you know how your body feels and if it is too much to bear, then you have to tell your coach.

    Good luck!

  5. The main thing is that you should ice everyday for about 20 minutes (eg: put your legs in a bucket of ice cold water, make sure that the water comes past your shins like maybe up to your knees)  You should also do calf exercises to strengthen the muscles around your shins as in calf raises  (there are others but I forget the name of them.)  Even though I gave you these suggestions, there may still be discomfort as they may not go away immediately.

  6. i suffer from shin splints as well.

    i definitely recommend this ebook called the Shin Splint Cure. it's $25, but i think it's a good investment. if you let the shin splints get too bad you could have permanent damage! ice is only a temporary fix. i would also see a physical therapist or chiropractor (if you must...) to help you with massaging and treatment. goog luck babe!

  7. Shin splints are the result of muscle imbalance where the back of the leg is stronger than the front muscles.  To correct this imbalance, lie face down in bed with your toes hanging over the edge.  Slowly pull your toes upward against the resistance of the mattress.  Hold for 1 or 2 seconds, then repeat.  Try to work up to 2 or 3 sets of 10.   An alternative or supplement to this is the standing toe raise. Just balance yourself, then raise one toe off the ground standing just on your heel. Then repeat with the other foot.  Here痴  a link to some other information about shin splints �a rather long-winded discussion which may or may not be helpful:

    Good Luck

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