
My shitzu has dandruff to and he is always itchy i dont find fleas or anything but he just itches ?

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My shitzu has dandruff to and he is always itchy i dont find fleas or anything but he just itches ?




  1. It sounds like an allergy, probably to something in his food. What do you feed him? You need to feed him something that has a meat as the first ingredient and contains no corn, by products, fillers or colors.

  2. visit a vet. vets always give you a fantastic answer!

  3. Well,probably because you bathe him too much and another thing Shih-Tzu's have sensitive skin.So they will itch.

  4. How often do you bathe him?  It sounds like you are doing it too much.  Its only necessary every four to six weeks (longer if you can).  Bathing too often strips the dogs skin of its natural oils and causes problems like what you are seeing.  If you are not bathing him very often then take him to the vet-the problem could be something else.

  5. i dont know about the dandruff, but he might have a skin irritation of some sort. i know im kinda jumping to conclusions, but this happened to my old dog and she was miserable.. i feel bad that we couldnt do anything about it *cries*. dont u go jumping to conclusions, too. its probably something about the shampoo your using or something like that.

  6. Dandruff can be from dry skin or allergies. Bathing too often can dry out the skin. Itchiness can be due to fleas or allergies.

    As a groomer, it's amazing how many people really had no clue of the number of fleas I have found on their dog. Even if your dog has a short coat, fleas can still be hard to see. They are easiest to see when the coat is wet.

    Your dog may be allergic to fleas. Dogs that are will scratch like crazy if even one flea is on them.

    He could also be allergic to a pesticide in the grass, household cleaners, a type of plant outside, even an ingredient in his food.

    Lower quality foods can lead to poor quality skin and coat. If you switch to a higher quality food you should see an improvement in his skin and coat. It may also be a good idea to try a food that doesn't have beef or chicken, as those cause more food allergies than others. You can try something with lamb for instance.

  7. ALL the shitzu's I care for are allergic to chicken, corn, etc...  Use a food such as Natures Recipe because they do not use cheap fillers like corn, beef, or wheat.  

    I also add a little bit of omega 3 fatty acid oil to their food to help with skin and coat and use a special shampoo from your vet for when you have them groomed.

    Good luck!

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