
My short height(164cm) makes me feel suicidal,what should i do?

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I am 21 years old male and im barely 5'4.I know that there is a height increase operation which i can go for but will it work?All i want in life is to be a frew inches taller and not because i want to be a model or anything but just so that i can grow psychologicaly.i got no connfidence due to my short height,even my 1 year younger sister is 5'6.limb lengthening operation may help me reach my goal but iv heard it is quite risky,what do i do??




  1. I know how you feel. I'm 5 ft even and my younger brother is 5'7. We've both stopped growing and in high school I always wanted to be taller because everyone thought he was older just because he was taller. I've managed to come to terms with my height because there is always someone shorter than me and even though its rude I just think to myself "At least i'm taller than her/him". I would advise you to stay the way you are because believe it or not your taller than most people. But the final decision is up to you.If your willing to take a risk then by all means go for it, but keep in mind what kinds of risk it might be.

  2. yoghurt, cheese, and boiled chicken. Your bones need phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium while your muscles need water, protein and carbohydrates to grow. Since you are growing taller, both your muscles and bones are getting bigger and longer. Don't waste your money or your health on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

    Have the hair style that makes you appear taller. In order to appear taller, a hair style should be thin at the sides and higher up top, which can make you appear as much as an inch taller Avoid clothes with horizontal lines. Belts are horizontal so make sure you conceal it in your clothes.

    Avoid clothes with a tartan or checked pattern. Avoid cuffs that makes your legs appear shorter.

    • Wear clothes with vertical lines or striping. Vertical lines or stripping make a person appear thinner,

    and thinness in turn gives impression of more height.

    Wear shoes that will make you appear taller. If you are a female, this should be easy since you can find a lot of female shoes with 2 or 3 inches’ heels. For males, wear shoes with thick soles to add the illusion of height.

    To increase your height, it is important that your blood is oxygenated as blood provides nourishment to your bones. Regular breathing will also purify your blood. There are three phases to breathing:

    1. Inhaling - take in air into your body through the nose

    2. Retaining - hold your breath inside your body

    3. Exhaling - blow out air from your body through the mouth

    It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job of thickening and lengthening your bones. So appropriate sleeping time (not the longer, the better) and correct sleeping posture is very important for your body to grow. Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.

    During deep sleep, growth hormone produced by your pituitary gland is released into your blood stream and travel through your body and causes the thickening and lengthening of your bones. Therefore, you should achieve "deep level" sleep on a daily basis in order to coordinate your affords of exercises and proper diet. The following are some helpful tips on how to easily achieve deep level sleep.

    Sleep in a comfortable and firm mattress.

    Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet and fresh smelling.

    Sleep with clean, soft, and comfortable clothes.

    Keep your hands and feet warm. Scientific studies have shown that warm hands and feet will help induce REM (rapid eye movement) deep sleep. Cold hands and feet will keep you from deep sleep.

    Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help clean out your system.

    Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed.

    Relax from head to toe. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body.

    Maintain a habit of sleeping at the same time everyday, including weekends.

    Sleep on your back with a flat pillow under your knees. This will align your spine properly and prevent any back aches caused by sleeping in a bent position.

    Undoubtedly, the quality, quantity, and type of food we eat affect our height, growth, and health. We cannot emphasize enough how important your food intake is in determining how much growth you can possibly obtain. The types of food you eat will either improve or decrease your growth potential.

    After careful consideration and research, the daily content of protein, carbohydrates, fats and water can be achieved if the following items were taken regularly.

    Carrots Fish Liver

    Egg Yolk Beef Red Meat

    Milk Cheese Apples

    Green Vegetables Potatoes Nuts

    Yellow Vegetables Almonds Bananas

    Peanuts Chicken Beans

    Peas Salt 6-8 glasses of water per day

    If you eat a lot of peanut butter, your height will not necessarily stop. Neither does masturbation stop height.

    What might stop you from growing is smoking, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, digestive problems, or lack of exercise.

    Height Growth Products : The first approved natural product for height increase is Super-Growth or with this product it is possible to gain additional height growth even after puberty.

    I love Super-Growth . I've been using it as a height booster for several months now This stuff is great, It is rare for a product to live up to its advertised hype. But this one actually does. It Works as advertised. Also, this specific product advertises improved joint health. I injured my knee and could find no relief, but after 3 weeks of using the Super-Growth I no longer have knee pain. I have tried other height gaining products, but I have seen the best results from this product. My height continues to grow .

  3. The people who matter won't care and the people who care don't matter. If your considering that surgery I would talk with your doctor first about the risks of infection. Build up your self confidence put on a song you like and dance. Go talk to someone about your feelings of being suicidal. Seriously though being a few inches shorter is not worth taking your life. Life is crazy cool awesome so give life a chance.

  4. Firstly,

    DONOT lose hope. U r JUST 21.

    Try Homeopathy, u will come across few docs who say its not possible n blah, but DONOT give up. Try consulting 4-5 homeopaths n then decide. I heard homeopathy has some real good medicines and if the candidate is still in growing age, these medicines definitely work.

    Check this site and address ur query to them n see if it can be of help:

    Consult an osteopath. I read somewhere that if ur bones are not ossified there is still a chance to grow a couple of inches. I am not v sure of these technical terms but from what I understand best, I think it means if a bone is not ossified it still has some potentilal to extend or grow.

    Pardon me for the lack of vocabulary and knowledge to explain these jargon and technical terms, hence I suggest u consult ur doc, get the necessary tests done, sit with him/her n discuss n see something could be done.

    Although hormone treatments are given in extreme cases, I heard they are not always safe and lead to several side effects, sometimes dangerous too. But again, consult a doc / professional ALWAYS.

    Certain exercises and a healthy diet rich in proteins definitely is necessary, so consult ur fitness instructor at the gym n chalk out ur exercise regime n diet.

    Last but not the least, have a calm mind n positive attitude, have a burning desire that if there is any potential, if there is still a chance, u would like to grow a couple of inches more. Meditate n visualise urself real tall. Pray that if theres any opportunity to increase ur height, it comes ur way easily n u r able to recognise the opportunity and make use of it.

    Even if the doctor gives u hope, it takes lot of patience on ur part, u might feel dejected initially coz the treatment might not show results immediately but remember, things dont change overnight, change takes time n effort, so be patient n donot let negative n hopeless ppl put u down.

    Wish u All the best.

    You can email me anytime if u need to talk

  5. don't worry everything will be ok.

    be positive  

  6. The other poster is right - Stay the way you are. This is a false idea that being taller will enhance your personality. You have absolutely no reason to feel low. I can name a thousand famous persons who are even shorter. There is hardly any advantage for tall people - the world is interested only in your education and intelligence and not in your height.

    Think of Napolean the Great, if you still feel dejected.

  7. You must deal with the suicidal feelings first.  This is a very serious and deadly issue.  You need a psychologist or psychiatrist.  You are suffering from depression and need real help dealing with this.  Height doesn't make the man.  I understand your concern about your height but that isn't who you are.  That is the most important thing you have to learn.  To know the kind person you are and that you don't deserve to have these feelings.  Please get professional help!!  It is absolutely amazing how it helps.  My Best to YOU!!!!!  

  8. No, don't choose the operation! You can try increasing your height with various methods. Swimming, stretching exercises, clothing, shoes, accessories, posture - everything can be taken into account to create your best appearance. Read more at -

  9. I'm not sure if this will make you feel better at all, but I know a lot of guys who are 5'4 and have beautiful wives. Height doesn't matter. I'm 5'1 and I would definitely not want to date a 6'5 guy. Don't be suicidal about it =/ I think you really should talk to someone about it .. trust me, things could be a LOT worse.  

  10. more than seeing a doc for operation, u can vhange the plan and meet a psychiatrist.... accept as u r and u'll get what u deserve. doesnt depend on ur looks.  concentrate on the mental beauty and not the physical ones.. grow up mentally then u'll not be needing urself to grow up physically....

    all the best...

  11. krazyyyyy

    stay the way you are

  12. AWWW dont worry bout it. How do you think midgets and people with REAL! physical disoders feel!!! ur being very vain and self center! x.x.x.x.x

  13. Take with what you have given as a gift and everything will go right

    Dont care about the world

  14. Height is not the only requirement for going for modeling, there are other required features also, so why don't you try to develop those and forget this one limitation what u think if u were 180 then u would have replaced sushmita sen, think of preety zinta if she was 164 then she would not have got BSNL ADS, SHE IS 165, AND UR 164 THEN U CAN ALSO BE AT LEAST PREETY IF NOT ZINTA THEN WHAT MATTERS.

  15. um, wow, get over it

    i know a handful of guys who are shorter than you or the same height and everyone LOVES them (and one of them could be a model if he was a bit taller. he looks amazing)

    they have great personalities and are easy to talk to. make the best out of your situation, learn to accept yourself. otherwise you'll never succeed

    surgery is weak and too expensive

    find a real career

  16. for gods sake is this the only thing you worry about. dont go for surgery. they may be risk moreover expensive and never heard of them done in india. get a pair of shoes with invisible heels. which will have heel kind of thing inserted beneath your shoe. no one knows you are using then. the pop star Prince had worn them always with 6 inches height. you just need half of that

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