
My shyness problem I need help?

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So I am shy Like at lunch and stuff I be really shy to eat I think because Like what If something fall on me and people see and when I seat in the front I hate that because I think people staring at me I THINK. But I'm not that way in the back of the room. So what should I do to stop feeling this way?




  1. Hi. I used to have the same problem when I was in school. I would always sit away from everyone when I ate or I would go into one of my classes so that nobody saw me. I even went as far as to sit on the side of the building so that NO one would walk by and accidentally see me. Once I got out of school and I realized that nobody was staring at me during all those times, I felt kind of stupid for doing it the way I did. I didn't have too many friends, I didn't talk to very many people because I was shy. I was shy to talk in front of groups and I was shy to be around people. AND like you I sat in the back of ALL my classes. Now I realized I should have lived my life, had fun and not cared about what people thought. My high school years were totally ruined because of it... So basically you've got two choices.... Have fun and not care about what others say or you could just be shy and watch your school years pass by. Good luck!

  2. There will be other people probably thinking the same thing as you oh. No is something wrong do i have food on my face is everyone starting at me. But really no one is staring at you. you are just really nervous and that is what your brain tells you. Everyone has there different ways of eating. Like me for example i eat how i want to eat and if anyone say hey you got milk on your shirt i laugh about it. Don't take it to serious like don't get mad or nervous about it. just say oops i guess i split some milky milk make it funny. Hunnie there is no reason why you should be nervous around others why you eat. If you accidentally do something embarrassing don't make is noticeable don't make a scene just say shot and be on your way we are human and not one of us  is perfect in the world not even me i spill stuff on me all the time. I just take it as a lessen learned don't have my ketchup dripping out of the side of my hamburger. Hope my advice helped. If you really want to become confident look around the room and see how other people eat i'm sure it won't be nice and neat. =D

  3. Shy huh? I have studied human behavior for...centuries... and my friend, you must realize that most humans don't give a F@$k what you are doing. It is all in your head. I doubt you are interesting enough to draw all those imaginary eyes (no one cares what you do). It is almost like you think you are more important than you are. Just remember how preposterous it is when you start sweating because you think that the entire class is staring at the back of your head...or that their all trying to embarrass you in some way. Remember that most of them have their heads in the gutter, are to stoned to even think, or are trying to see past you to take in what the teacher is saying. You could also chew gum....It helps with anxiety.

  4. LOL I was shy like that once.  Just try seating in a row closer to the front every day and see how that works out.  Also, in your classes, speak out once every week.

  5. I'm exactly the same way. Plus I'm overyly sensetive, lol :). I just try to tell myself that everyone does that at one point in their life or another, and that I'm only human to feel uncomfortable. Hopefully, you'll grow out of it, but for now, don't worry too much! :)

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