
My sick dog...what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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My dog has been coughing and gagging (almost like a fur ball) for the past few months now. It only lasts a few seconds, he never brings anything up; it's usually up to 10 times a day. Just before I found him in the lounge rolling around (like he had an itchy back), but was unresponsive when I called his name, and looked to be in much distress. He's ok now, but panting heavily and continuing to couch/gag. I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow...any ideas as to what it could be? He's an 11 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.




  1. When this happened with my first cavalier the vet did an x-ray and found that he had an enlarged heart so he was given 2 types of medication  one was lasiks -  If your puppy is given that medication he will pee more.   Brings some questions -  If medication is prescribed ask if you can get it at a pharmacy (walmart etc)  Ask for the generic.

  2. Chances are he has heart disease.Good luck

  3. Your dog's probably got something stuck in his throat. Taking him to the vet is the best bet. Good luck.

  4. gagging can be caused by an infected pharynx (back of the throat) or something stuck in his throat.  The rolling around while being  unresponsive could be a seizure.  

  5. Almost sounds like he had a seizure. If he's hacking or wheezing a lot he could have internal problems. Not sure what it is, but a visit to the vet as you said will reveal it.

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