
My sick son needs a suppository?

by  |  earlier

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my 6 year old son maddex has that nasty stomach bug and he has been crying and throwing up for an hour i called the hospital and told them every thing and they wrote a prescription out for suppositories but the only thing is i dont no how to use them? i dont want to hurt him..

is their a certain way i do it..

please help me




  1. is it possible to use a lubricant like vaseline or KY? I am so sorry he's going through this - I hope he feels better really soon!

  2. hold the baby's legs up , and make sure his tush is a little open then just gently slide the suppository inside. good luck they squrm alot !! have your husband help you.

  3. well they are going to be uncomfortable, so there's no way out of that. just run it under warm water first to make it a little softer so it won't hurt as bad. he'll only feel discomfort for a few minutes, but they work quick and he will feel alot better.

  4. ok lube the supposoitory with vaseline bend him over your lap and gently insert it there is no need to put your finger in his but or warm the suppository under warm water inside his a**s like the rest of his body inside is 98.7 degrees. once you insert it just keep your thumb blocking the a**s or squeeze his cheeks together so that it does not come out because it will be uncomfortable for him. do it for like 2 min so it disolves in there. he'll be fine...good luck.

  5. you just bend him over the bed and push it up his r****m gently as far as a half finger.

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