
My significant other sometimes has bad breath. I love him to death but?

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I feel like I am being rude when I offer him mint/gum, etc esp when he refuses. No 1's breath is great when they're drinking but how can I say something w/o being mean & NOT suffocating from his occasional "dragon breath"?




  1. Bah I hear it all the time (got to do something about it though) but just say it to him like "Hey Spanky I love you and all but your breath smells like *** please do smething about it. Much Love"

    Thats more or less the best thing to say or do. it sux to hear it but like every other dude he'll get over it.

  2. tell him that everyone gets bad breathe but he should deal with that issue asap

    answer mine!;...

  3. give him tic-tacs lol

  4. don't wrry about being mean. mine does it to me sometimes. and i don't mind. just put your self in his shoes. he would be glad you told him

  5. Just be blunt. Tell him that the drinking is making his breath smell unpleasant.

    Say: "Look babe, there has been many times when the drinking made your breathe smell not so good/unpleasant. I think that you should have the decentcy to make sure that your breathe smells bareable".

    Or you can change it the way you want to  

  6. Honestly, you two should be close enough where you can tell him.  I told my boyfriend just last week that he should go brush his tongue.  If he's so sensitive that he's going to go cry over that, then I worry about him.

  7. ewwww. its from drinking only? well be blunt and say, you need a mint, just take it and save yourself the embarrasement. then eat one yourself so he doesnt feel alone. lol.  

  8. I'd be have to kiss him, be near him, no reason you should have to tolerate a horrid smell coming out of his mouth. Like you one has minty fresh breath 24/7..most of us however pay attention to it when we're with our partners.

    Tell him flat out..politely. You don't have to say he stinks, just tell him he needs to brush those teeth or he's not getting a kiss. :-)  

  9. Ask him nicely or joke about it, ill will get stuck in his head and remember to brush his teeth or chew gum. Bad breath is not attractive but if you really like him, its something that you would need to get used to or work out. You can always do the same to him, haha

  10. Just tell him that he needs to brush his tongue more when he brushes his teeth in the morning and to use mouthwash. He's a guy -- so a more effective way is to sit with one of his friends and setup some type of scheme to have a guy friend tell him.  Dude-talk is a very easy way to get a guy to change since we're of the male genotype.

    He doesn't have to know about your plans to tell him, but if he asks you about it then you have to be honest or else he'll ignore what his friend said. Your opinion means more to him then that of his friend, that's why it's easier on him to hear it from his male friend and then confirm it with you.

    See what I'm getting at?

    =) Good luck.

    - Hex

  11. Tell him the truth. He may be a embarassing himself when he's out there working with other people. My sinificant other has yellow teeth, which can be obviously seen when he talks, bad breath and bad hair. I tell him him the truth. He's lazy to fo things to make himself better. He basically does not care what other people thinks of him. So, I end him make his hair appointment, buying his clothes and getting his teeth cleaned. And when he relaized how clean he looks, he feels confident of himself and realize what a joke he's been all those 46 years of his life.

  12. Well, maybe he could just carry some with him as an after-drink freshener. Even though I don't usually have that problem, I hate kissing if I haven't brushed my teeth or something in the past couple of hours, so I always have peppermint lifesavers and orbit citrus gum on hand at all times. Lol, my bf recognized it as my "signature gum" since I never left home without it...also, when you offer him one, have one yourself so that he feels like you're just being polite, not implying anything.

  13. Both of you take plain yogurt daily. It would help to wash away bad breath.

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