
My singing Voice I need some Input on something that has always seemed too bother me. and i don't know why?

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I know that i have an above average singing voice.. I can sound almost like any artist that i choose too sing along with. and can hit some pretty different range of notes.. my question is I think i sound Not Bad But "Off" when it is just me singing i haven't done karaoke in some time now.and don't have anyone that i can sing with alone anymore.. I really kinda lost track of the question I'm trying to ask so.. i think it is if i sound good singing along with music will i still sound good if it was just me .. Thanks...ASP




  1. Sometimes you have to sing in a restroom where you can only hear yourself and train your ear as what notes and pitch of the songs you are trying to sing.This is a perfect way to hear yourself.  akalarrylove

  2. I have the same problem

    it's because when you sing along, the music is there to keep you on key, and reassure you that you're singing the right note

    when you're a capella, one half step wrong could mess you up if you don't catch it.

    just keep practicing. maybe work on your hearing abilities with a piano. test yourself with scales and such.

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