
My singing is out of tune?

by  |  earlier

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I can sing, bit when I hit certain high notes, my voice is strained. Is there singing excersises or streches for voice? Thanks...oh also, tips on doing the almost there but its not a fluid split yet...and streches for that?




  1. When you sing do your fa la di sa or whatever clear ur throat, drink some water, and get comfortable. Sing with confidence and pretend like you are alone in the room. Try to sound like yourself. Do u bc u do u the best.

  2. practice

  3. Search for a vocal coach around the area you live in. They can teach you vocal techniques so that you use your voice in the proper way. As for the splits take a yoga class or a ballet class.

  4. The higher you go, the less air you use and the more support from your diaphragm you will need.

    Always practice in a good posture, and relax!

    Do not practice in a drafty room.

    Warm your voice gently before trying to extend your range.

    Just start at a comfortable note and work upwards.  If you begin to tense, stop and repeat from the comfortable note.  If you still tense, stop and try again later. If you do this frequently you will find that the notes will become easier and easier to reach.

    Once you can sing the pitch without straining your voice your pitch should hopefully be easier to sing without going flat.

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