
My sis's 4 year old daughter pulls at nipples while dancing naked in front of the mirror. What should we do?

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My sister and 4 year old daughter lives in Montreal. My sis is in the divorce process so the daughter gets shuffled back and forth between the parents' place at the moment. They are going to court to fight for child custody next week. She likes to laugh and dance naked in front of the mirror and pulls at her nipples while at it. She said her daddy dances naked with her too. My sis doesn't know whether to believe her daughter or not as she said her 4 year old could be making stories. I suspect the daddy might have something to do with this. How can we gather enough evidence to prove that the daddy is not a good daddy. Is a 4 year old's statement good enough? How do we know the daughter is telling the truth? She also licks her mother's leg even though my sister kept telling her to stop it and it's disgusting. The daughter said the police do that and the man has a tail (probably a p***s). My sis and her husband are now fighting for custody of the child.




  1. I would immediately report this to the authorities.  Let them get the evidence that they need.  A 4 year old could not make up something like pulling at her nipples. She has to learn that from someone, and as I right this I am sickened by the fact that it could be her father.

  2. Bringing the "authorities" in early may be more damaging to the child than one may expect.

    You should cautiously confront the father about all this and try to get a sense of what's going on.

    Sometimes, children who are sexually aggressive can express themselves in ways that may make truly innocent adults seem guilty.

    There is strong evidence that the whole court proceedings with all the psychologists, lawyers, experts, police, etc, cause more harm to the child's psychology than simply making personal efforts to stop the opportunities for this type of alleged activity from occurring.

    Currently, your sister's daughter has an 'innocent' view of these activities.

    But after all the serious strangers get involved, her perceptions will inevitably change and could very well affect her future attitudes towards s*x for the worse.

    Your sister's daughter's needs should come first - Try to make sure the accusations have no possible alternative before proceeding with the legalities of it.

    Consider the guilt the little girl would project upon herself, especially if the father is prosecuted and convicted and there were one chance in a million that it was a misunderstanding.

    Remember, there are many different attitudes towards s*x, play, nudity, etc.

    There are even Christian Nudist Colonies, where communities (children, women and men) spend most of the time in the nude.

    Please consider the scope of the dilemma before resorting to a knee-jerk reaction to a possibility.

    It could prevent lots of heartache.

  3. OH GOOD LORD WHAT IS THIS SOCIETY COMING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! The girl is four years old and i can just picture a her and her daddy laughing hysterically in front of the mirror while getting ready to go somewhere dancing in the mirror, dad being all goofy, pulling his nipples, and his daughter copying him... They were probably cracking up laughing just having silly time.  Now people wanna make this out to be some FRIGGIN' deal about molestation, or trying to get him in trouble cause they are paranoid, or have a grudge.  Now i don't know about the whole leg l*****g thing, that could be suspect i'd have to hear the whole story, but gimme a break what is this world coming too when a father can't be silly and playful with own flesh and blood daughter who is only FOUR!!! so what if they were naked she's a child, HIS child, they don't even get the concept of sexual perversion, and all that... it's just her and her daddy being silly... gimme a break

  4. These are def. signs there could be something going on.

    getting the "nipple pulling" from something I would HATE TO EVEN THINK he dad is doing to her... same with l*****g leg and other things..

    REPORT it, gather evidence like stated above and DON'T let him NEAR her alone if possible...

    I hate child abuse

  5. I'd get her to a child psychologist, and pediatrician. Have her checked out, file a police report or children services report. Talk to the lawyer before acting on anything though, see what they advise. She's learning, seeing, or experiencing what she is doing somewhere. It sounds like the dad is exposing her to inappropriate things. Someone has tried to cover their own butt by teaching her "the police do it". The girl is either being abused currently, or will be in the future. Time to get the ducks in a row, get her checked out and be ready to fight like a rabid dog in court.

  6. i took forensics at school and criminal justice and from my knowledge a witness report is the least reliable source of evidence. all you can do legally is report it and have the authorities investigate your claim.

  7. put an hidden video in her room the next time her dad visit her or have cameras follow around or put a tape recorder in the daughter's pant pocket when she out with the father. there's your evidence

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