
My sis is 23 and getting married - let me know weird or?

by  |  earlier

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I am 19 she is 23 and our kid sis is 17. We are in her wedding along with her best friend and 2 of our cousins. Sis who is getting married has asked all of us after the cerimony, when we get to the hotel to go up to a suite and have the video person shoot us while doing a wild striptease that will be a seperate part of their wedding video. I and some of the other girls are excited about this and also very unsure about it. I know the groom will go wild 4 it but its a lot of family and even though it makes me hott thinking about it its still odd. Please give your views!




  1. Personally I think it's a little twisted. A bride shouldn't be having her SISTERS do something like that for her husband. I would never in a million years even DREAM of asking my sister to do something like that.

    You're correct, it is incredibly odd.

  2. So she wants to give her new husband a video of her sisters stripping for him?  That is really bizarre and kind of gross in my opinion.

    Also, I for sure know that my fiance wouldn't want a video of my FAMILY members stripping for him.  And any guy that would is a little too creepy to marry.

  3. That is disgusting.  Do no do this - you WILL regret it.

  4. Is this a joke?  Why would your sister want that?

  5. Not just weird but sick idea. Why not seek an answer from  your parent.

  6. You are a troll!

  7. What kind of a husband will go "wild" to see his bride, the sisters and cousins naked??

    You're right it's odd and more... It is unethical, disgusting and tasteless.

    Make wise and mature decisions, that won't haunt you for life.

    All the best.

  8. seriously?? i do think that is quite weird i can't imagine ever doin anything like that with my sisters, i suppose it would be kinda hot except for the family thing like if only her friends were doing it

  9. why is your sister gething married when she still thinks like a 18yr old? nasty nasty.... if you were doing the right thing why not ask you parents and see what they think?

  10. If she alone wanted to do this for him, ok fine. But asking other women, mostly her family no less, to be provocative for her husband is bizarre. I wouldn’t do it.

    Never mind that at least one of the girls isn’t legal yet!  Good lord who is this kiddie-p**n making videographer?

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