
My sis is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!?

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my twin sis is 13 like me and we fight a lot! it's annoying though, casue whenever we fight, she tells my parents that i did something even though i didn't. I get in trouble and then when i tell my parents that's she's lying, they don't belive me! what should I do to make my parents belive me and not my sis?




  1. Twist your hair with your finger, blow a bubble with your gum and ask if she is adopted.  

    Don't blow up when your parent's don't believe you then she gets a reward by getting you mad.  Just lead by example, be happy.  be more mature and don't fight with her, spend some time away from each other so ya'll can miss each others company.

  2. hahah..lolz that use 2 happen wid me and mi twin..she use 2 snitch so i wud tell her 2 get lost..and mi parents love her more then they love yea..then i started using her own medicaine against her...then v both got even..and now 2 this day..vr the closest 2 each other then any other yea..dont a twin sure v want 2 kill each other soemtimes but most of the time v love each yea

  3. Make arrangements to go places with girlfriends without her.  Isolate yourself from her and don't speak with her for a while.  If she wants to know why just tell her that you refuse to blamed for her childish ways anymore and you would rather be alone than have to deal with it.  

    Get into a series book collection and bury yourself in that and/or now that school has started just get into your studies.

    I'm thinking that your parents are relying on past experience with you so you will have to prove to them that you've grown up and you no longer tell those little white lies like you did when you were younger.  

    Good luck.

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