
My sis like me in the room while she changes is that ok?

by Guest58600  |  earlier

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shes 7 and she hates changing alone so i sit in there with her and i face the other way so i don't invade her privacy but my family thinks its wrong to be in there with her. and there's no mirrors so i cant see her naked and i don't look if she doesn't want me to and i don't look even if she hasn't said anything about it i only look if she has to show me something that involves her being naked so i think im being nice that i help her feel safe with out violating her but is being in there with her ok?




  1. Wow. You sound like a really great brother. You certainly are gaining her trust. If she feels safe around you, it's great that you are there for her, without invading her privacy.  

  2. Ok why does she hate changing alone?  I think that issue should be addressed and hopefully resolved.  I don't think it's wrong at that age but if she gets older and she is still the same, then it would be wrong.  

  3. Well if she wants you 2 do something,you should tell.Shes probably just going troue a fase.She might be scared of something.Just talk 2 her to see whats wrong.

  4. Despite your innocent intentions - I don't think it's a good idea.

    Your sister is at an age where it isn't common, or comfortable, for you, her older brother, to be in the room with her when she isn't wearing clothing. Changing alone is something she's going to have to get used to doing - even if she hates being in the room by herself, at first.

    If the problem continues, it might be a good idea to try and find out why on earth your sister refuses to get dressed alone. At seven years old, she should be comfortable with solitude - to an extent. And she should certainly be comfortable with dressing herself, for the most part.

    It's nice that you are trying to help, and that you make a point of not violating her privacy, but it may not appear so loving and innocent to an outside party.

    If she is having a problem with her body and she needs to get naked to show this - she should talk to her mother, or another female family member that she's close to. Despite the fact that you're her brother, a female would be a better option in this situation - and it would look better, too.

    Edit: The fact that your Step-father abused you is, perhaps, a very good reason for your sister to be frightened. However, you're not helping her by allowing her to violate parts of your relationship that should be private. She shouldn't be in the room when you're naked, and vice versa. If you truly want to help her, consider seeking a child psychologist who has experiences with these matters. Chances are, they'd be able to help her get over her fears and come to grips with what you Step-father did.

  5. Bro, dont worry man. Its ok, i used to bath my little brother all the time when he was a toddler. Its what us older kids do, we take care of our siblings.

  6. isnt 7 years old to old for that

    tell her to try to grow up and try to change by herself for once in a nice way

  7. how old are you? if you're under 12 it's probably ok.  

  8. My sister is like that, she is 11 tho but ever since she was little at night when she is changing into pajamas she always has to have someone in the room with her, because she is afraid.

    I usually go in, because I am a girl.. but my brother just puts his hand around the door so she can see his hand and stands outside so she knows he is there, or he just talks to her from outside the door.

    Some people might say its wrong and you should try and find a way that she feels safe without you being in there, even if you just stand outside the door and talk to her.

    But.. really if you look the other way, and don't do anything then you really don't have anything to worry about, she wont say you did anything if you didn't, and no-one will be able to say or prove you did.

  9. dude if you really need to do it dont tell ppl it well just make problems

    and 7 is a just   to old  for it  

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