
My sis needs a boyfriend, how does she get one?

by  |  earlier

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So she's got tuns of ex-bfs. and she wants a boyfriend, but right now she doesn't know how to do it. Any ideas???




  1. buy

  2. well what she needs to do is think of the type of guy she wants to be with, then she needs to make some guy friends and get to know them, eventually  if she finds one she lies, if she keeps talking to him he will start liking her thats how it usually happens

  3. Give advertisement on

    TV,Radio,News Paper,Books,On Railway station,On air ports,Bus Station,Bus stand,sea port,school,colleges,Jail,poloce stations,Hotels,air crafts,rockets,

    Do announcement with a big mike.Poster over all country(world).

    After doing all these stuff i promise u will get one at least,if u still not found ,jump into the river nearest ur city or village

  4. Just randomly talk to a guy, they love it =)

  5. Don't got looking for a boyfriend, let them come to you.

  6. Go out and meet new people?

    If shes patient she will find someone in time.

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